New York Room
Danse Macabre

the bell tolls the tears of midnight's gloom

and opens the gates to twilight's tomb

the black sky above

and the darkness inside me

consoles me, so soothing

consumes me, so slowly

no light will shine

no shadows thrown

no mask will hide

no mercy shown

the sky tells the tale of endless doom

and opens the doorway unto the room

where our eyes our blind

to the portal opening

can't you see, me bleeding

misery, sustains me

no light will shine

no shadows thrown

no mask will hide

no mercy shown

the clock strikes the hour when darkness looms

and echoes the rise of shepherd moons

the gale flies over

and the raven is watching

he has seen me weeping

and holds me in his wings

the sky it grows darker still

the white mists rise over the hill

the forces stir, the storm will break

shattering through the night to wake

of wind and sea

of sand and stone

never to be

no mercy shown

so cold and gray

so cold and gray

Mirror lyrics:

so cold and gray

so cold and gray

no mercy shown

never to be

of sand and stone

of wind and sea

shattering through the night to wake

the forces stir, the storm will break

the white mists rise over the hill

the sky it grows darker still

and holds me in his wings

he has seen me weeping

and the raven is watching

the gale flies over

and echoes the rise of shepherd moons

the clock strikes the hour when darkness looms

no mercy shown

no mask will hide

no shadows thrown

no light will shine

misery, sustains me

can't you see, me bleeding

to the portal opening

where our eyes our blind

and opens the doorway unto the room

the sky tells the tale of endless doom

no mercy shown

no mask will hide

no shadows thrown

no light will shine

consumes me, so slowly

consoles me, so soothing

and the darkness inside me

the black sky above

and opens the gates to twilight's tomb

the bell tolls the tears of midnight's gloom

Relevant Tags:
DDanse MMacabre anse acabre aDnse aMcabre xanse jacabre xDanse jMacabre Dxanse Mjacabre eanse kacabre eDanse kMacabre Deanse Mkacabre
fanse nacabre fDanse nMacabre Dfanse Mnacabre ranse Maacabre rDanse Mcabre Dranse Mcaabre canse Mzcabre cDanse Mzacabre Dcanse Mazcabre
sanse Mqcabre sDanse Mqacabre Dsanse Maqcabre Daanse Mscabre Dnse Msacabre Dnase Mascabre Dznse Mwcabre Dzanse Mwacabre Daznse Mawcabre
Dqnse Mxcabre Dqanse Mxacabre Daqnse Maxcabre Dsnse Maccabre Maabre Dasnse Maacbre Dwnse Mafabre Dwanse Mafcabre Dawnse Macfabre
Dxnse Maxabre Daxnse Macxabre Dannse Mavabre Dase Mavcabre Dasne Macvabre Damse Madabre Damnse Madcabre Danmse Macdabre Dahse Macaabre
Dahnse Macbre Danhse Macbare Dajse Maczbre Dajnse Maczabre Danjse Macazbre Dabse Macqbre Dabnse Macqabre Danbse Macaqbre Dansse Macsbre
Dane Macsabre Danes Macasbre Danze Macwbre Danzse Macwabre

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