News At Eleven
For The Lord's Sake

The spirit of the Lord is on me

It whispers in my ear:

?Proclaim to all my people that the hour of the Lord is near?

The melody your spirit sings me

I hear it deep inside

The coming of your kingdom brings me joy I cannot hide


And for the Lord?s sake

I will not be silent

For the Lord?s sake

I will raise my voice

For the Lord?s sake

I will gather His people

And build the city of the Lord

The people who were once in darkness

Have seen an awesome light

My Lord, you send us forth to witness

Lead them from the night

(repeat chorus)

Lord, to whom shall we go?

And Lord, to whom shall we run?

For you, for you and you alone

Have the words of eternal life!

(repeat chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(repeat chorus)

Have the words of eternal life!

For you, for you and you alone

And Lord, to whom shall we run?

Lord, to whom shall we go?

(repeat chorus)

Lead them from the night

My Lord, you send us forth to witness

Have seen an awesome light

The people who were once in darkness

And build the city of the Lord

I will gather His people

For the Lord?s sake

I will raise my voice

For the Lord?s sake

I will not be silent

And for the Lord?s sake


The coming of your kingdom brings me joy I cannot hide

I hear it deep inside

The melody your spirit sings me

?Proclaim to all my people that the hour of the Lord is near?

It whispers in my ear:

The spirit of the Lord is on me

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThe LLord's SSake or he ord's ake oFr hTe oLrd's aSke cor fhe kord's zake cFor fThe kLord's zSake Fcor Tfhe Lkord's Szake
ror 5he oord's wake rFor 5The oLord's wSake Fror T5he Loord's Swake gor hhe pord's dake gFor hThe pLord's dSake Fgor Thhe Lpord's Sdake
tor yhe eake tFor yThe Lrd's eSake Ftor Tyhe Lrod's Seake vor 6he Lkrd's xake vFor 6The xSake Fvor T6he Lokrd's Sxake
dor ghe L9rd's aake dFor gThe L9ord's aSake Fdor Tghe Lo9rd's Saake Foor rhe L0rd's Fr rThe L0ord's Ske Fro Trhe Lo0rd's Skae
Fkr Llrd's Szke Fkor Te Llord's Fokr Teh Lolrd's Sazke F9r Tje Lird's Sqke F9or Tjhe Liord's Sqake Fo9r Thje Loird's Saqke
F0r Tue Lorrd's Sske F0or Tuhe Lod's Ssake Fo0r Thue Lodr's Saske Flr Tne Lodd's Swke Flor Tnhe Lodrd's Folr Thne Lordd's Sawke
Fir Tbe Lo4d's Sxke Fior Tbhe Lo4rd's Foir Thbe Lor4d's Saxke Forr Tge Logd's Sakke Fo Logrd's Sae For Thge Lorgd's Saek
Fod Tye Lotd's Sale Fodr Lotrd's Salke Ford Thye Lortd's Sakle Fo4 Thee Lo5d's Saoe Fo4r Th Lo5rd's Saoke

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