New Scaring Senses

Drowning in those waves of smoke

Which summits stand out like living roots

I feel them seizing me, wrapping me up, devouring me.

Here. They come, on and on,

like plants born of satanic seeds

Cultivated in the Pandemonium,

They're going through the ground as if it did not exist,

Sprayed with innocent blood,

They proliferate in the void of subconscious.

As some of us are still resisting

Your strategy changes and liquefying,

You blend in with the red fluid,

Destroying our senses, creating new ones, unknown and


Taking us further

On until we give in

The ranks of the ancients

Decrease while those of The novices swell


The truest forbidden

Tradition in your name.

Blanche fum?e envo?tante,

Que nos id?es pourrissent par ton pouvoir intense

Combattue par la horde d?risoire des vengeurs de nos

?mes d?sincarn?es.

Mirror lyrics:

?mes d?sincarn?es.

Combattue par la horde d?risoire des vengeurs de nos

Que nos id?es pourrissent par ton pouvoir intense

Blanche fum?e envo?tante,

Tradition in your name.

The truest forbidden


Decrease while those of The novices swell

The ranks of the ancients

On until we give in

Taking us further


Destroying our senses, creating new ones, unknown and

You blend in with the red fluid,

Your strategy changes and liquefying,

As some of us are still resisting

They proliferate in the void of subconscious.

Sprayed with innocent blood,

They're going through the ground as if it did not exist,

Cultivated in the Pandemonium,

like plants born of satanic seeds

Here. They come, on and on,

I feel them seizing me, wrapping me up, devouring me.

Which summits stand out like living roots

Drowning in those waves of smoke

Relevant Tags:
NNew SScaring SSenses ew caring enses eNw cSaring eSnses mew zcaring zenses mNew zScaring zSenses Nmew Szcaring Szenses
hew wcaring wenses hNew wScaring wSenses Nhew Swcaring Swenses jew dcaring denses jNew dScaring dSenses Njew Sdcaring Sdenses
bew ecaring eenses bNew eScaring eSenses Nbew Secaring Seenses Neew xcaring xenses Nw xScaring xSenses Nwe Sxcaring Sxenses
Nsw acaring aenses Nsew aScaring aSenses Nesw Sacaring Saenses N3w Sccaring N3ew Saring Snses Ne3w Sacring Sneses
Nfw Sfaring Ssnses Nfew Sfcaring Ssenses Nefw Scfaring Sesnses Nrw Sxaring S3nses Nrew S3enses Nerw Scxaring Se3nses
N4w Svaring Sfnses N4ew Svcaring Sfenses Ne4w Scvaring Sefnses Ndw Sdaring Srnses Ndew Srenses Nedw Scdaring Sernses
Nww Scaaring S4nses Nwew Scring S4enses Neww Scraing Se4nses Sczring Sdnses Ne Sczaring New Scazring Sednses
Nea Scqring Swnses Neaw Scqaring Newa Scaqring Sewnses Ne3 Scsring Sennses Scsaring Seses New3 Scasring Sesnes
Ned Scwring Semses Scwaring Semnses Newd Scawring Senmses Nee Scxring Sehses Sehnses Newe Scaxring Senhses
Nes Scarring Sejses Scaing Sejnses News Scairng Senjses Ne2 Scading Sebses Ne2w Scadring Sebnses New2 Scarding Senbses
Neq Sca4ing Sensses Neqw Sca4ring Senes Newq Scar4ing Seness Scaging Senzes Scagring Senzses Scarging Senszes

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