It's Up To Me

Held down by a heavy sky
I followed rules and I don't know why
Ignored the options that I could not see
Indecision had a hold of me
Followed the path that was forced by fate
I never saw the hour was getting late
I never cared what I turned out to be
I sensed something wrong now it's up to me
I got the chance now I'm gonna take it
I don't know I might not even make it
I'll follow rules that are made up by me
I wasted time too long now it's up to me
It's up to me-to be all I can be (R.W. Emerson)
It's up to me
Looked to the past for some history
Looked for the sum of humanity
A list of laws they passed down through time
A ruthless plot to control my mind
I gotta make a plan for myself
Can't look to you can't look to anybody else
Only this way am I truly free
I wasted time too long now it's up to me
all the rules that I see
have taken old inside of me.
So much to lose so many kinds
One thing comes to mind-time
I gotta make a plan for my life
I gotta take the time to get it right
I gotta be the person I gotta be
I gotta make a plan and now
it's up to me

Mirror lyrics:

it's up to me
I gotta make a plan and now
I gotta be the person I gotta be
I gotta take the time to get it right
I gotta make a plan for my life
One thing comes to mind-time
So much to lose so many kinds
have taken old inside of me.
all the rules that I see
I wasted time too long now it's up to me
Only this way am I truly free
Can't look to you can't look to anybody else
I gotta make a plan for myself
A ruthless plot to control my mind
A list of laws they passed down through time
Looked for the sum of humanity
Looked to the past for some history
It's up to me
It's up to me-to be all I can be (R.W. Emerson)
I wasted time too long now it's up to me
I'll follow rules that are made up by me
I don't know I might not even make it
I got the chance now I'm gonna take it
I sensed something wrong now it's up to me
I never cared what I turned out to be
I never saw the hour was getting late
Followed the path that was forced by fate
Indecision had a hold of me
Ignored the options that I could not see
I followed rules and I don't know why
Held down by a heavy sky

Relevant Tags:
IIt's UUp TTo MMe t's p o e tI's pU oT eM jt's hp fo je jIt's hUp fTo jMe Ijt's Uhp Tfo Mje 9t's 7p 5o ke 9It's 7Up 5To kMe I9t's U7p T5o Mke
lt's kp ho ne lIt's kUp hTo nMe Ilt's Ukp Tho Mne ot's ip yo Mee oIt's iUp yTo M Iot's Uip Tyo Me kt's 8p 6o Ms kIt's 8Up 6To Mse Ikt's U8p T6o Mes
8t's jp go M3 8It's jUp gTo M3e I8t's Ujp Tgo Me3 ut's yp ro Mf uIt's yUp rTo Mfe Iut's Uyp Tro Mef Itt's Upp Too Mr I's U T Mre I'ts Up To Mer
If's U0 Tk M4 Ift's U0p Tko M4e Itf's Up0 Tok Me4 I5's Ul T9 Md I5t's Ulp T9o Mde It5's Upl To9 Med Ih's Uo T0 Mw Iht's Uop T0o Mwe Ith's Upo To0 Mew

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