
Will you ever understand
what it is I do?
Is music in your soul or did it
leave you long ago
It's a long way but some day
I'll find you and give you
Dune you're in my soul
but I wont let you win
Dune you can never move just
slowly blow away
Oh and Dune don't you ever learn
To see things in another way?
I will conquer you
but I sink in the sand to start again

Do those madrigals still haunt you?
Did they crumble fade and die?
Remember how they taught you
and you never reasoned why
It's a long way but some day
I'll find you and give you

Dune you're in my soul
but I wont let you win
Dune you can never move just
slowly blow away
Oh and Dune don't you ever learn
To see things in another way?
I will conquer you
but I sink in the sand to start again

Dune you're in my soul
but I wont let you win
Dune you can never move just
slowly blow away
Oh and Dune don't you ever learn
To see things in another way?
I will conquer you but
I sink in the sand to start again

Mirror lyrics:

I sink in the sand to start again
I will conquer you but
To see things in another way?
Oh and Dune don't you ever learn
slowly blow away
Dune you can never move just
but I wont let you win
Dune you're in my soul

but I sink in the sand to start again
I will conquer you
To see things in another way?
Oh and Dune don't you ever learn
slowly blow away
Dune you can never move just
but I wont let you win
Dune you're in my soul

I'll find you and give you
It's a long way but some day
and you never reasoned why
Remember how they taught you
Did they crumble fade and die?
Do those madrigals still haunt you?

but I sink in the sand to start again
I will conquer you
To see things in another way?
Oh and Dune don't you ever learn
slowly blow away
Dune you can never move just
but I wont let you win
Dune you're in my soul
I'll find you and give you
It's a long way but some day
leave you long ago
Is music in your soul or did it
what it is I do?
Will you ever understand

Relevant Tags:
DDune une uDne xune xDune Dxune eune eDune Deune fune fDune
Dfune rune rDune Drune cune cDune Dcune sune sDune Dsune Duune
Dne Dnue Dhne Dhune Duhne D7ne D7une Du7ne Dkne Dkune Dukne
Dine Diune Duine D8ne D8une Du8ne Djne Djune

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