Perry Como
Marrying For Love

It's an old-fashioned idea,
marryin' for love!
and that old-fashioned idea's
what I'm thinkin' of!

Where there's love, poets have said,
two can live as one!
That's an old-fashioned idea,
but it's bein' done!

If she must have gold, let it be in her hair,
rubes, let 'em be in her lips,
diamonds, let 'em shine in her eyes!

Just an old-fashioned romance,
with the moon above,
a romance, one that will end,
marryin' for love
that's the kind of love
that I'm thinking of!

< instrumental break >

If she must have gold, let it be in her hair,
rubes, let 'em be in her lips,
diamonds, let 'em shine in her eyes!

Just an old-fashioned romance,
with the moon above,
a romance, one that will end,
marryin' for love
that's the kind of love
that I'm thinking of!

~ from the 1950 Broadway musical "Call Me Madam"
Words and Music by Irving Berlin. 1950

Mirror lyrics:

Words and Music by Irving Berlin. 1950
~ from the 1950 Broadway musical "Call Me Madam"

that I'm thinking of!
that's the kind of love
marryin' for love
a romance, one that will end,
with the moon above,
Just an old-fashioned romance,

diamonds, let 'em shine in her eyes!
rubes, let 'em be in her lips,
If she must have gold, let it be in her hair,

< instrumental break >

that I'm thinking of!
that's the kind of love
marryin' for love
a romance, one that will end,
with the moon above,
Just an old-fashioned romance,

diamonds, let 'em shine in her eyes!
rubes, let 'em be in her lips,
If she must have gold, let it be in her hair,

but it's bein' done!
That's an old-fashioned idea,
two can live as one!
Where there's love, poets have said,

what I'm thinkin' of!
and that old-fashioned idea's
marryin' for love!
It's an old-fashioned idea,

Relevant Tags:
MMarrying FFor LLove arrying or ove aMrrying oFr oLve jarrying cor kove jMarrying cFor kLove Mjarrying Fcor Lkove
karrying ror oove kMarrying rFor oLove Mkarrying Fror Loove narrying gor pove nMarrying gFor pLove Mnarrying Fgor Lpove
Maarrying tor Mrrying tFor Lve Mrarying Ftor Lvoe Mzrrying vor Lkve Mzarrying vFor Mazrrying Fvor Lokve
Mqrrying dor L9ve Mqarrying dFor L9ove Maqrrying Fdor Lo9ve Msrrying Foor L0ve Msarrying Fr L0ove Masrrying Fro Lo0ve
Mwrrying Fkr Llve Mwarrying Fkor Llove Mawrrying Fokr Lolve Mxrrying F9r Live Mxarrying F9or Liove Maxrrying Fo9r Loive
Marrrying F0r Lovve Marying F0or Loe Marrying Fo0r Loev Madrying Flr Lobe Madrrying Flor Lobve Mardrying Folr Lovbe
Ma4rying Fir Loce Ma4rrying Fior Locve Mar4rying Foir Lovce Magrying Forr Loge Magrrying Fo Logve Margrying For Lovge
Matrying Fod Lofe Matrrying Fodr Lofve Martrying Ford Lovfe Ma5rying Fo4 Lovee Ma5rrying Fo4r Lov Mar5rying For4 Love
Mafrying Fog Lovs Mafrrying Fogr Lovse Marfrying Forg Loves Maerying Fot Lov3 Maerrying Fotr Lov3e Marerying Fort Love3
Fo5 Lovf Fo5r Maryring For5 Lovef Mardying Fof Lovr Fofr Lovre Marrdying Forf Lover
Mar4ying Foe Lov4 Foer Lov4e Marr4ying Fore Love4 Margying Lovd Lovde Marrgying Loved
Martying Lovw Lovwe Marrtying Lovew Mar5ying Marr5ying Marfying

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