Perry Como
The Colors Of My Life

The colors of my life, are bountiful and bold

The purple glow of indigo, the gleam of green an' gold

The splendor of a sunrise, the dazzle of a flame

The glory of a rainbow, will put 'em all to shame

No quiet browns or grays, I'll take my days instead

And fill them 'till they overflow, with rose and cherry red

And should this sunlit world, grow dark one day

The colors of my life, will leave a shining light

To show the way

No quiet browns and grays, I'll take my days instead

And fill them 'till they overflow, with rose and cherry red

And should that sunlit world, grow dark one day

The colors of my life, will leave a shining light

The colors of my life will light the way

Mirror lyrics:

The colors of my life will light the way

The colors of my life, will leave a shining light

And should that sunlit world, grow dark one day

And fill them 'till they overflow, with rose and cherry red

No quiet browns and grays, I'll take my days instead

To show the way

The colors of my life, will leave a shining light

And should this sunlit world, grow dark one day

And fill them 'till they overflow, with rose and cherry red

No quiet browns or grays, I'll take my days instead

The glory of a rainbow, will put 'em all to shame

The splendor of a sunrise, the dazzle of a flame

The purple glow of indigo, the gleam of green an' gold

The colors of my life, are bountiful and bold

Relevant Tags:
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Tue Cilors Ot Mj L8fe Tuhe Ciolors Otf L8ife Thue Coilors Oft Myj Li8fe Tne Ov Mt Lufe Tnhe Coors Ovf Mty Luife Thne Coolrs Ofv Myt Liufe
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Tye Copors Lire Coplors Lirfe Thye Colpors Lifre Thee Lige Th Colrs Ligfe The Colros Lifge
Ths Colkrs Lite Thse Litfe

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