Perry Como
That's All This Old World Needs

That's all this ol' world needs,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
A little more love an' sweet devotion,
A little less hate an' wild commotion,
That's all this world needs . . .

That's all this ol' world needs,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
A little more truth an' no more lies,
And only rain fallin' from the skies,
That's all this world needs . . .

A little less envy, a little less greed,
A little more lookin' to your brothers need,
A little more laughter, a little more song,
An' a world where people know right from wrong . . .

That's all this ol' world needs,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
The innocence of children everywhere,
The peacefulness of an evening prayer,
That's all this world needs . . .
< instrumental break >
A little less envy, a little less greed,
A little more lookin' to your brothers need,
A little more laughter, a little more song,
An' a world where people know right from wrong . . .

That's all this ol' world needs,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
The innocence of children everywhere,
The peacefulness of an evening prayer,
That's all this world needs . . .
< repeat last verse >
That's all this world needs . . .

Mirror lyrics:

That's all this world needs . . .
< repeat last verse >
That's all this world needs . . .
The peacefulness of an evening prayer,
The innocence of children everywhere,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
That's all this ol' world needs,

An' a world where people know right from wrong . . .
A little more laughter, a little more song,
A little more lookin' to your brothers need,
A little less envy, a little less greed,
< instrumental break >
That's all this world needs . . .
The peacefulness of an evening prayer,
The innocence of children everywhere,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
That's all this ol' world needs,

An' a world where people know right from wrong . . .
A little more laughter, a little more song,
A little more lookin' to your brothers need,
A little less envy, a little less greed,

That's all this world needs . . .
And only rain fallin' from the skies,
A little more truth an' no more lies,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
That's all this ol' world needs,

That's all this world needs . . .
A little less hate an' wild commotion,
A little more love an' sweet devotion,
That's all this ol' world needs . . .
That's all this ol' world needs,

Relevant Tags:
TThat's AAll TThis OOld WWorld NNeeds hat's ll his ld orld eeds hTat's lAl hTis lOd oWrld eNeds fhat's zll fhis kld aorld meeds fThat's zAll fThis kOld aWorld mNeeds
Tfhat's Azll Tfhis Okld Waorld Nmeeds 5hat's qll 5his 9ld 3orld heeds 5That's qAll 5This 9Old 3World hNeeds T5hat's Aqll T5his O9ld W3orld Nheeds hhat's sll hhis 0ld dorld jeeds
hThat's sAll hThis 0Old dWorld jNeeds Thhat's Asll Thhis O0ld Wdorld Njeeds yhat's wll yhis lld eorld beeds yThat's wAll yThis lOld eWorld bNeeds Tyhat's Awll Tyhis Olld Weorld Nbeeds
6hat's xll 6his ild sorld Neeeds 6That's xAll 6This iOld sWorld Neds T6hat's Axll T6his Oild Wsorld Needs ghat's Alll ghis 2orld Nseds gThat's Al gThis Od 2World Nseeds
Tghat's All Tghis Odl W2orld Neseds rhat's Akl rhis Okd qorld N3eds rThat's Akll rThis qWorld N3eeds Trhat's Alkl Trhis Olkd Wqorld Ne3eds Aol Ood Woorld Nfeds
Tat's Aoll Tis Oold Wrld Nfeeds Taht's Alol Tihs Olod Wrold Nefeds Tjat's Apl Tjis Opd Wkrld Nreds Tjhat's Apll Tjhis Opld Wkorld Nreeds Thjat's Alpl Thjis Olpd Wokrld Nereds
Tuat's Tuis Oldd W9rld N4eds Tuhat's Tuhis Ol W9orld N4eeds Thuat's Thuis Old Wo9rld Ne4eds Tnat's Alk Tnis Olx W0rld Ndeds Tnhat's Tnhis Olxd W0orld Ndeeds
Thnat's Allk Thnis Oldx Wo0rld Nededs Tbat's Alo Tbis Ole Wlrld Nweds Tbhat's Tbhis Oled Wlorld Nweeds Thbat's Allo Thbis Olde Wolrld Neweds Tgat's Alp Tgis Olf Wirld
Olfd Wiorld Thgat's Allp Thgis Oldf Woirld Nedes Tyat's Tyis Olr Worrld Nesds Olrd Wold Thyat's Thyis Oldr Wolrd Neesds
Thaat's Thiis Olc Wodld Ne3ds Tht's Ths Olcd Wodrld Thta's Thsi Oldc Wordld Nee3ds Thzt's Thjs Ols Wo4ld Nefds Thzat's Olsd Wo4rld
Thazt's Thijs Olds Wor4ld Neefds Thqt's Th9s Wogld Nerds Thqat's Th9is Wogrld Thaqt's Thi9s Worgld Neerds

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