New Lease
Hermes House Band & Dj ␓tzi Live Is Life.


Live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
And you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gets everything
And every song everybody sings

Live is life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

Live is life, when we all feel the power
Live is life, come on stand up and dance
Live is life, when the feelings of the people
Live is life, is the feeling of the band

When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
Then you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gives everything
And every song everybody sings

Live is life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)


Live is life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

And you call when it's over
You call it should last
Every minute of the future
is a memory of the past
Cause we all gave the power
We all gave the best
And everyone Gave everything
And every song everybody sang

Live is life.

Mirror lyrics:

Live is life.

And every song everybody sang
And everyone Gave everything
We all gave the best
Cause we all gave the power
is a memory of the past
Every minute of the future
You call it should last
And you call when it's over

Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)


Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

And every song everybody sings
When everyone gives everything
You all get the best
Then you all get the power
Don't think about the rest
Every minute of an hour
We all give the best
When we all give the power

Live is life, is the feeling of the band
Live is life, when the feelings of the people
Live is life, come on stand up and dance
Live is life, when we all feel the power

Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

And every song everybody sings
When everyone gets everything
You all get the best
And you all get the power
Don't think about the rest
Every minute of an hour
We all give the best
When we all give the power

Live is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab live (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)
Live (nanananana)


Relevant Tags:
HHermes HHouse BBand && DDj ␓tzi LLive IIs LLife. ermes ouse and j ␓tzi ive s ife. eHrmes oHuse aBnd & jD ␓tzi iLve sI iLfe.
jermes jouse vand xj ッ␓tzi kive js kife. jHermes jHouse vBand xDj ␓tzi kLive jIs kLife. Hjermes Hjouse Bvand Dxj ⃐tzi Lkive Ijs Lkife.
uermes uouse gand ej ␓tzi oive 9s oife. uHermes uHouse gBand eDj バtzi oLive 9Is oLife. Huermes Huouse Bgand Dej バtzi Loive I9s Loife.
nermes nouse nand fj ␐tzi pive ls pife. nHermes nHouse nBand fDj tzi pLive lIs pLife. Hnermes Hnouse Bnand Dfj ⓐtzi Lpive Ils Lpife.
bermes bouse hand rj ␓tzi Liive os Liife. bHermes bHouse hBand rDj tzi Lve oIs Lfe. Hbermes Hbouse Bhand Drj tzi Lvie Ios Lfie.
germes gouse Baand cj ␓ttzi Ljve ks Ljfe. gHermes gHouse Bnd cDj ␓zi Ljive kIs Ljife. Hgermes Hgouse Bnad Dcj ␓zti Lijve Iks Lijfe.
yermes youse Bznd sj ␓fzi L9ve 8s L9fe. yHermes yHouse Bzand sDj ␓ftzi L9ive 8Is L9ife. Hyermes Hyouse Baznd Dsj ␓tfzi Li9ve I8s Li9fe.
Heermes Hoouse Bqnd Djj ␓5zi Llve us Llfe. Hrmes Huse Bqand D ␓5tzi Llive uIs Llife. Hremes Huose Baqnd Dj ␓t5zi Lilve Ius Lilfe.
Hsrmes Hkuse Bsnd Dk ␓hzi Love Iss Lofe. Hsermes Hkouse Bsand Dkj ␓htzi I Hesrmes Hokuse Basnd Djk ␓thzi Liove Is Liofe.
H3rmes H9use Bwnd Di ␓yzi Lkve Iz Lkfe. H3ermes H9ouse Bwand Dij ␓ytzi Izs He3rmes Ho9use Bawnd Dji ␓tyzi Likve Isz Likfe.
Hfrmes H0use Bxnd Dm ␓6zi L8ve Iw L8fe. Hfermes H0ouse Bxand Dmj ␓6tzi L8ive Iws L8ife. Hefrmes Ho0use Baxnd Djm ␓t6zi Li8ve Isw Li8fe.
Hrrmes Hluse Bannd Dn ␓gzi Luve Id Lufe. Hrermes Hlouse Bad Dnj ␓gtzi Luive Ids Luife. Herrmes Holuse Badn Djn ␓tgzi Liuve Isd Liufe.
H4rmes Hiuse Bamd Dh ␓rzi Livve Ie Liffe. H4ermes Hiouse Bamnd Dhj ␓rtzi Lie Ies Lie. He4rmes Hoiuse Banmd Djh ␓trzi Liev Ise Lief.
Hdrmes Houuse Bahd Du ␓tzzi Libe Ix Lice. Hdermes Hose Bahnd Duj ␓ti Libve Ixs Licfe. Hedrmes Hosue Banhd Dju ␓tiz Livbe Isx Lifce.
Hwrmes Hohse Bajd ␓tai Lice Ia Lire. Hwermes Hohuse Bajnd ␓tazi Licve Ias Lirfe. Hewrmes Houhse Banjd ␓tzai Livce Isa Lifre.
Ho7se Babd ␓tsi Lige Lige. Hemes Ho7use Babnd ␓tszi Ligve Ligfe. Hemres Hou7se Banbd ␓tzsi Livge Lifge.
Hedmes Hokse Bandd ␓txi Life Lite. Ban ␓txzi Lifve Litfe. Herdmes Houkse Band ␓tzxi Livfe Lifte.
He4mes Hoise Banx ␓tzii Livee Live. Banxd ␓tz Liv Livfe. Her4mes Houise Bandx ␓tzi Live Lifve.
Hegmes Ho8se Bane ␓tzj Livs Lide. Hegrmes Ho8use Baned ␓tzji Livse Lidfe. Hergmes Hou8se Bande ␓tzij Lives Lifde.
Hetmes Hojse Banf ␓tz9 Liv3 Lifee. Hetrmes Hojuse Banfd ␓tz9i Liv3e Lif.

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