New Found Glory
Over The Head, Below The Knees

You must not have a heart
Have nothing in your chest
To let it go for so long
And let this go so far
That it goes over your head

You could fool anyone
With your plastic smile
And you could live in your lie
For only a while
And I could only take so much
And I admit this could be love
But it goes over your head

What does she have
Can you let go ?
Can you tell me
What I am aching to know ?

What does she have
Can you let go ?
Can you tell me
What I am aching to know ?

You could ruin any mood
Just by saying what's on your mind
You could only tame body
Never tame this mind
And I can only take so much
And I admit this could be love
But it goes over your head

What does she have
Can you let go ?
Can you tell me
What I am aching to know ?

If I'm reaching you
You're not letting it show
Use up your space now
And there's no room to grow
Too deep, can't breath
And you can't find the end
It's right in front of you
But it goes over your head

What does she have
Can you let go ?
Can you tell me
What I am aching to know ?

You must not have a heart
Have nothing in your chest

Mirror lyrics:

Have nothing in your chest
You must not have a heart

What I am aching to know ?
Can you tell me
Can you let go ?
What does she have

But it goes over your head
It's right in front of you
And you can't find the end
Too deep, can't breath
And there's no room to grow
Use up your space now
You're not letting it show
If I'm reaching you

What I am aching to know ?
Can you tell me
Can you let go ?
What does she have

But it goes over your head
And I admit this could be love
And I can only take so much
Never tame this mind
You could only tame body
Just by saying what's on your mind
You could ruin any mood

What I am aching to know ?
Can you tell me
Can you let go ?
What does she have

What I am aching to know ?
Can you tell me
Can you let go ?
What does she have

But it goes over your head
And I admit this could be love
And I could only take so much
For only a while
And you could live in your lie
With your plastic smile
You could fool anyone

That it goes over your head
And let this go so far
To let it go for so long
Have nothing in your chest
You must not have a heart

Relevant Tags:
OOver TThe HHead, BBelow TThe KKnees ver he ead, elow he nees vOer hTe eHad, eBlow hTe nKees kver fhe jead, velow fhe lnees kOver fThe jHead, vBelow fThe lKnees
Okver Tfhe Hjead, Bvelow Tfhe Klnees 9ver 5he uead, gelow 5he onees 9Over 5The uHead, gBelow 5The oKnees O9ver T5he Huead, Bgelow T5he Konees 0ver hhe nead, nelow hhe mnees
0Over hThe nHead, nBelow hThe mKnees O0ver Thhe Hnead, Bnelow Thhe Kmnees lver yhe bead, helow yhe jnees lOver yThe bHead, hBelow yThe jKnees Olver Tyhe Hbead, Bhelow Tyhe Kjnees
iver 6he gead, Beelow 6he inees iOver 6The gHead, Blow 6The iKnees Oiver T6he Hgead, Bleow T6he Kinees Ovver ghe yead, Bslow ghe Knnees Oer gThe yHead, Bselow gThe Kees
Oevr Tghe Hyead, Beslow Tghe Kenes Ober rhe Heead, B3low rhe Kmees Obver rThe Had, B3elow rThe Ovber Trhe Haed, Be3low Trhe Knmees Ocer Hsad, Bflow Khees
Ocver Te Hsead, Bfelow Te Khnees Ovcer Teh Hesad, Beflow Teh Knhees Oger Tje H3ad, Brlow Tje Kjees Ogver Tjhe H3ead, Brelow Tjhe Ovger Thje He3ad, Berlow Thje Knjees
Ofer Tue Hfad, B4low Tue Kbees Ofver Tuhe Hfead, B4elow Tuhe Kbnees Ovfer Thue Hefad, Be4low Thue Knbees Oveer Tne Hrad, Bdlow Tne Kneees Ovr Tnhe Hread, Bdelow Tnhe Knes
Ovre Thne Herad, Bedlow Thne Knees Ovsr Tbe H4ad, Bwlow Tbe Knses Ovser Tbhe H4ead, Bwelow Tbhe Knsees Ovesr Thbe He4ad, Bewlow Thbe Kneses Ov3r Tge Hdad, Bellow Tge Kn3es
Ov3er Hdead, Beow Kn3ees Ove3r Thge Hedad, Beolw Thge Kne3es Ovfr Tye Hwad, Bekow Tye Knfes Hwead, Beklow Knfees Ovefr Thye Hewad, Belkow Thye Knefes

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