New Found Glory
Come Back Bon Jovi

Tell me whatever happened to the radio?

Do they still play the songs you wanna hear on the stereo?

Do you still like the bands you liked a year ago?
Would you still like me if we wouldn't be on the radio

Like me, if we were on the radio, like me, or are they just played out?

Tell me, whatever happened to the radio?

Do they still play the songs you wanna hear on the stereo?

Do you still like the bands you liked a year ago?

Would you still like me if we wouldn't be on the radio?

Like me if we were on the radio, like me or are they just played out now?

Tell me, Tell me, whatever happened to the Radio?

Tell me, Tell me whatever happened to the Radio?

Mirror lyrics:

Tell me, Tell me whatever happened to the Radio?

Tell me, Tell me, whatever happened to the Radio?

Like me if we were on the radio, like me or are they just played out now?

Would you still like me if we wouldn't be on the radio?

Do you still like the bands you liked a year ago?

Do they still play the songs you wanna hear on the stereo?

Tell me, whatever happened to the radio?

Like me, if we were on the radio, like me, or are they just played out?

Would you still like me if we wouldn't be on the radio
Do you still like the bands you liked a year ago?

Do they still play the songs you wanna hear on the stereo?

Tell me whatever happened to the radio?

Relevant Tags:
CCome BBack BBon JJovi ome ack on ovi oCme aBck oBn oJvi fome vack von kovi fCome vBack vBon kJovi Cfome Bvack Bvon Jkovi
xome gack gon iovi xCome gBack gBon iJovi Cxome Bgack Bgon Jiovi vome nack non movi vCome nBack nBon mJovi Cvome Bnack Bnon Jmovi
dome hack hon novi dCome hBack hBon nJovi Cdome Bhack Bhon Jnovi Coome Baack Boon hovi Cme Bck Bn hJovi Cmoe Bcak Bno Jhovi
Ckme Bzck Bkn uovi Ckome Bzack Bkon uJovi Cokme Bazck Bokn Juovi C9me Bqck B9n Joovi C9ome Bqack B9on Jvi Co9me Baqck Bo9n Jvoi
C0me Bsck B0n Jkvi C0ome Bsack B0on Co0me Basck Bo0n Jokvi Clme Bwck Bln J9vi Clome Bwack Blon J9ovi Colme Bawck Boln Jo9vi
Cime Bxck Bin J0vi Ciome Bxack Bion J0ovi Coime Baxck Boin Jo0vi Comme Bacck Bonn Jlvi Coe Bak Bo Jlovi Coem Bakc Bon Jolvi
Coje Bafk Bom Jivi Cojme Bafck Bomn

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