N Trance
Softly Dragging Me Down

All alone again like before
Wandering down to the shore
Tryin' to ease my mind
I know you say I wasn't to blame
But words always sound the same
They say that love is blind
You live your life with your head in the clouds
Just another lost soul that needs to be found
Why do you do it?
Please tell me why you do it?
A gentle hand hidden deep in a fist
Now I'm raising my voice though I try to resist
Why do you do it?
Please tell me why you do it?

Softly dragging me down...

As I hold my head in my hands
The ocean washes the sands
Takin' away the pain
Then I sit and try to forget
The day two lovers first met
Holding hands in the rain
I feel the waves as they're turning away
As I look to the sky will I see a new day
Why do you do it?
Please tell me why you do it?
I shout aloud but there's no-one to hear
Am I so far away from the world that I fear
Why do you do it?
Please tell me why you do it?


Mirror lyrics:


Please tell me why you do it?
Why do you do it?
Am I so far away from the world that I fear
I shout aloud but there's no-one to hear
Please tell me why you do it?
Why do you do it?
As I look to the sky will I see a new day
I feel the waves as they're turning away
Holding hands in the rain
The day two lovers first met
Then I sit and try to forget
Takin' away the pain
The ocean washes the sands
As I hold my head in my hands

Softly dragging me down...

Please tell me why you do it?
Why do you do it?
Now I'm raising my voice though I try to resist
A gentle hand hidden deep in a fist
Please tell me why you do it?
Why do you do it?
Just another lost soul that needs to be found
You live your life with your head in the clouds
They say that love is blind
But words always sound the same
I know you say I wasn't to blame
Tryin' to ease my mind
Wandering down to the shore
All alone again like before

Relevant Tags:
SSoftly DDragging MMe DDown oftly ragging e own oSftly rDagging eM oDwn zoftly xragging je xown zSoftly xDragging jMe xDown Szoftly Dxragging Mje Dxown
woftly eragging ke eown wSoftly eDragging kMe eDown Swoftly Deragging Mke Deown doftly fragging ne fown dSoftly fDragging nMe fDown Sdoftly Dfragging Mne Dfown
eoftly rragging Mee rown eSoftly rDragging M rDown Seoftly Drragging Me Drown xoftly cragging Ms cown xSoftly cDragging Mse cDown Sxoftly Dcragging Mes Dcown
aoftly sragging M3 sown aSoftly sDragging M3e sDown Saoftly Dsragging Me3 Dsown Sooftly Mf Doown Sftly Dagging Mfe Dwn Sfotly Dargging Mef Dwon
Skftly Ddagging Mr Dkwn Skoftly Ddragging Mre Dkown Sokftly Drdagging Mer Dokwn S9ftly D4agging M4 D9wn S9oftly D4ragging M4e D9own So9ftly Dr4agging Me4 Do9wn
S0ftly Dgagging Md D0wn S0oftly Dgragging Mde D0own So0ftly Drgagging Med Do0wn Slftly Dtagging Mw Dlwn Sloftly Dtragging Mwe Dlown Solftly Drtagging Mew Dolwn
Siftly D5agging Diwn Sioftly D5ragging Diown Soiftly Dr5agging Doiwn Sofftly Dfagging Dowwn Sotly Don Sotfly Drfagging Donw
Soctly Deagging Doan Socftly Doawn Sofctly Dreagging Dowan Sortly Draagging Do3n Sorftly Drgging Do3wn Sofrtly Drgaging Dow3n
Sogtly Drzgging Dodn Sogftly Drzagging Dodwn Sofgtly Drazgging Dowdn Sottly Drqgging Doen Sotftly Drqagging Doewn Softtly Draqgging Dowen
Sovtly Drsgging Dosn Sovftly Drsagging Doswn Sofvtly Drasgging Dowsn Sodtly Drwgging Do2n Sodftly Drwagging Do2wn Sofdtly Drawgging Dow2n
Drxgging Doqn Sofly Drxagging Doqwn Soflty Draxgging Dowqn Soffly Draggging Downn Draging Dow Softfly Dragging Down
Sof5ly Drahging Dowm Sof5tly Drahgging Dowmn Soft5ly Draghging Downm Sofhly Drayging Dowh Sofhtly Draygging Dowhn Softhly Dragyging Downh
Sofyly Drabging Dowj Sofytly Drabgging Dowjn Softyly Dragbging Downj

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