Ne Yo
Wanted By You

Ruke Ferizaj baby

mmmm yeahh ohhh
All I want is to be wanted by you
May this love never end
Cuz I’m speechless every time u are around
I get the feeling that I can’t survive when u are not in my mind
Verse 1:
U can figure it out
Yes u can
Cuz every time I walk through the door
U know that I want to come back just 2 stay a minute more
When I talk on the phone with a homie
I keep smiling
But u know that I’m smiling at you
When I feel lonely
U know that u are the one 2 hold me
When my heart is broken
U always know how to mend it
All I want is to be wanted by u
May this love never end
Cuz I’m speechless every time u are around
I get the feeling that I can’t survive when u are not in my mind
Verse 2:
It’s funny cuz there can be lies everyday
But u choose not 2 go that way
And for that I thank you everyday
And I appreciate it more than words can say
Baby I know u get mad quite a few times
And u know that I know why
And there I come in and dry your eyes
And kiss u with a smile
We make up again
And u don’t go mad to bed
And neither do I
And it just feels like we are floating in the sky
And there is the whole world out there
But there is just one taking my breath away
My baby u
All I ever wanted was founding someone like u
And yes u
And all I ever want is 2 be wanted by u
May this love never end
Cuz I’m speechless every time u are around
I get the feeling that I can’t survive when u are not in my mind
Wanted by u
Uhh uhh
Wanted by u
Uu uuu

Mirror lyrics:

Uu uuu
Wanted by u
Uhh uhh
Wanted by u
I get the feeling that I can’t survive when u are not in my mind
Cuz I’m speechless every time u are around
May this love never end
And all I ever want is 2 be wanted by u
And yes u
All I ever wanted was founding someone like u
My baby u
But there is just one taking my breath away
And there is the whole world out there
And it just feels like we are floating in the sky
And neither do I
And u don’t go mad to bed
We make up again
And kiss u with a smile
And there I come in and dry your eyes
And u know that I know why
Baby I know u get mad quite a few times
And I appreciate it more than words can say
And for that I thank you everyday
But u choose not 2 go that way
It’s funny cuz there can be lies everyday
Verse 2:
I get the feeling that I can’t survive when u are not in my mind
Cuz I’m speechless every time u are around
May this love never end
All I want is to be wanted by u
U always know how to mend it
When my heart is broken
U know that u are the one 2 hold me
When I feel lonely
But u know that I’m smiling at you
I keep smiling
When I talk on the phone with a homie
U know that I want to come back just 2 stay a minute more
Cuz every time I walk through the door
Yes u can
U can figure it out
Verse 1:
I get the feeling that I can’t survive when u are not in my mind
Cuz I’m speechless every time u are around
May this love never end
All I want is to be wanted by you
mmmm yeahh ohhh

Ruke Ferizaj baby

Relevant Tags:
WWanted BBy YYou anted y ou aWnted yB oYu aanted vy gou aWanted vBy gYou Waanted Bvy Ygou 3anted gy hou 3Wanted gBy hYou W3anted Bgy Yhou
danted ny 6ou dWanted nBy 6You Wdanted Bny Y6ou eanted hy uou eWanted hBy uYou Weanted Bhy Yuou santed Byy 7ou sWanted B 7You Wsanted By Y7ou
2anted Bg jou 2Wanted jYou W2anted Byg Yjou qanted Bh tou qWanted tYou Wqanted Byh Ytou B6 Yoou Wnted B6y Yu Wnated By6 Yuo
Wznted Bu Yku Wzanted Buy Ykou Waznted Byu Yoku Wqnted B7 Y9u B7y Y9ou Waqnted By7 Yo9u Wsnted Bj Y0u Bjy Y0ou Wasnted Byj Yo0u
Wwnted Bt Ylu Wwanted Bty Ylou Wawnted Byt Yolu Wxnted Yiu Wxanted Yiou Waxnted Yoiu Wannted Youu Wated Yo Watned You
Wamted Yoh Wamnted Yohu Wanmted Youh Wahted Yo7 Wahnted Yo7u Wanhted You7 Wajted Yok Wajnted Wanjted Youk
Wabted Yoi Wabnted Wanbted Youi Wantted Yo8

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