Ne Yo
So Sick [remix] Featuring Jin

I'm so sick
It happened so quick
looking at old flicks
Trying to figure out where we went wrong
The radio turns on
had some song waiting to hear
both of our favorite parts
each word is eating at my heart
alot of you aint gotta a boo
trying to move on
Ne-yo tell em what's the first thing they gotta do

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cus you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice

(It's ridiculous)
It's been months for some reason I just
(Can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(Enough is enough)
No more walking 'round with ma head down
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you

And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears [Jin] I'm so sick
So done with wishing
You were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So sad and slow [Jin] I'm so sick
So why can't I turn off the radio?

[Jin] Verse 2

Gotta fix that calender I had
That's marked July 15th
Cuz since there's no more you
There's no more anniversery [Jin] Ain't no more
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memories
And now every song reminds me
Of what used to be

That's the reason
I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears [Jin] I'm so sick
So done with wishing
You were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So sad and slow [Jin] I'm so sick
So why can't I turn off the radio?

O-o-h[Jin] lets go [Ne-yo]leave me alone
Tird of dealing with the frustration
Leave me alone (Stupid love song)
same song even when i change the station
Don't make me think about her smile
She's crafty
Or having my first child
your boy Jin
Then lettin go
Turning of the radio
Time to let go if your with me turn off the radio

(Chorus x3)
Cuz I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears [Jin] I'm so sick
So done with wishing
She were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So sad and slow [Jin] I'm so sick
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(So why can't I turn off the radio?)
Why can't I turn off the radio?

Mirror lyrics:

Why can't I turn off the radio?
(So why can't I turn off the radio?)
So why can't I turn off the radio?
So sad and slow [Jin] I'm so sick
Said I'm so sick of love songs
She were still here
So done with wishing
So tired of tears [Jin] I'm so sick
Cuz I'm so sick of love songs
(Chorus x3)

Time to let go if your with me turn off the radio
Turning of the radio
Then lettin go
your boy Jin
Or having my first child
She's crafty
Don't make me think about her smile
same song even when i change the station
Leave me alone (Stupid love song)
Tird of dealing with the frustration
O-o-h[Jin] lets go [Ne-yo]leave me alone

So why can't I turn off the radio?
So sad and slow [Jin] I'm so sick
Said I'm so sick of love songs
You were still here
So done with wishing
So tired of tears [Jin] I'm so sick
I'm so sick of love songs
That's the reason

Of what used to be
And now every song reminds me
And your memories
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
There's no more anniversery [Jin] Ain't no more
Cuz since there's no more you
That's marked July 15th
Gotta fix that calender I had

[Jin] Verse 2

So why can't I turn off the radio?
So sad and slow [Jin] I'm so sick
Said I'm so sick of love songs
You were still here
So done with wishing
So tired of tears [Jin] I'm so sick
And I'm so sick of love songs

Crying over you
I'm so over being blue
No more walking 'round with ma head down
(Enough is enough)
And I'm stronger than this
(Can't get over us)
It's been months for some reason I just
(It's ridiculous)

But it's the only way I hear your voice
Cus you walked out the door
And I know it makes no sense
Can't come to the phone
Cuz right now it says that we
Now that I'm alone
Gotta change my answering machine

Ne-yo tell em what's the first thing they gotta do
trying to move on
alot of you aint gotta a boo
each word is eating at my heart
both of our favorite parts
had some song waiting to hear
The radio turns on
Trying to figure out where we went wrong
looking at old flicks
It happened so quick
I'm so sick

Relevant Tags:
SSo SSick [[remix] FFeaturing JJin o ick remix] eaturing in oS iSck r[emix] eFaturing iJn zo zick [rremix] ceaturing kin zSo zSick [emix] cFeaturing kJin
Szo Szick [ermix] Fceaturing Jkin wo wick [demix] reaturing iin wSo wSick [dremix] rFeaturing iJin Swo Swick [rdemix] Freaturing Jiin do dick [4emix] geaturing min
dSo dSick [4remix] gFeaturing mJin Sdo Sdick [r4emix] Fgeaturing Jmin eo eick [gemix] teaturing nin eSo eSick [gremix] tFeaturing nJin Seo Seick [rgemix] Fteaturing Jnin
xo xick [temix] veaturing hin xSo xSick [tremix] vFeaturing hJin Sxo Sxick [rtemix] Fveaturing Jhin ao aick [5emix] deaturing uin aSo aSick [5remix] dFeaturing uJin
Sao Saick [r5emix] Fdeaturing Juin Soo Siick [femix] Feeaturing S Sck [fremix] Faturing Jn So Scik [rfemix] Faeturing Jni Sk Sjck [eemix] Fsaturing Jjn
Sko Sjick [eremix] Fseaturing Jjin Sok Sijck [reemix] Fesaturing Jijn S9 S9ck F3aturing J9n S9o S9ick [rmix] F3eaturing J9in So9 Si9ck [rmeix] Fe3aturing Ji9n
S0 Slck [rsmix] Ffaturing Jln S0o Slick [rsemix] Ffeaturing Jlin So0 Silck [resmix] Fefaturing Jiln Sl Sock [r3mix] Fraturing Jon Slo Soick [r3emix] Join
Sol Siock [re3mix] Feraturing Jion Si Skck [rfmix] F4aturing Jkn Sio Skick F4eaturing Soi Sikck [refmix] Fe4aturing Jikn S8ck [rrmix] Fdaturing J8n
S8ick J8in Si8ck [rermix] Fedaturing Ji8n Suck [r4mix] Fwaturing Jun Suick Fweaturing Siuck [re4mix] Fewaturing Jiun
Sicck [rdmix] Feaaturing Jinn Sik Feturing Ji Sikc [redmix] Fetauring Jin Sifk [rwmix] Fezturing Jim Sifck [rwemix] Fezaturing Jimn
Sicfk [rewmix] Feazturing Jinm Sixk [remmix] Feqturing Jih Sixck [reix] Feqaturing Jihn Sicxk [reimx] Feaqturing Jinh Sivk [rejix] Festuring Jij
Sivck [rejmix] Sicvk [remjix] Feasturing Jinj Sidk [rekix] Fewturing Jib Sidck [rekmix] Jibn Sicdk [remkix] Feawturing Jinb
Sickk [renix] Fexturing Sic [renmix] Fexaturing Sick [remnix] Feaxturing Sicl [remiix] Featturing Siclk [remx] Feauring
Sickl [remxi] Feautring Sico [remjx] Feafuring Sicok Feafturing Sicko [remijx] Featfuring Sicm [rem9x] Fea5uring
Sicmk [rem9ix] Fea5turing Sickm [remi9x] Feat5uring Sicj [remlx] Feahuring Sicjk [remlix] Feahturing Sickj [remilx] Feathuring
Sici [remox] Feayuring Sicik [remoix] Feayturing Sicki [remiox] Featyuring [remkx] Fea6uring Fea6turing
[remikx] Feat6uring [rem8x] Feaguring [rem8ix] Feagturing [remi8x] Featguring [remux] Fearuring
[remuix] Fearturing [remiux] Featruring [remixx] Featuuring [remi] Featring [remi]x Featruing
[remid] Feathring [remidx] [remixd] Featuhring

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