Ne Yo
That's What It Does

Thirty seconds before you turned on this song
You was feeling something, something was wrong
Now that it's on there's a smile on your face
And whatever was wrong, it's faded away
For the moment, the song will change your life
But if you believe, well it just might
If you listen right, the part that touches your heart and your soul
That's what it does

And it might make you lose your mind, that's what it does
And it might make you cry sometimes, that's what it does
And it might chase the pain away, that's what it does
The devil, the angel, the pain and the pleasure
The music, that's what it does

Yesterday you were crying the loss of a man,
A woman whatever, you understand
Turned on the song or release from the soreness of crying
You wound up crying some more
On your back, on the floor you continue to cry
As the strings in the background kill you inside
But you never felt so alive
It is, it will be and it was

The house of fire, your and your love
said it is, it will be and it was
That's what it does

And it might make you lose your mind, that's what it does
And it might make you cry sometimes, that's what it does
And it might chase the pain away, that's what it does
The devil, the angel, the pain and the pleasure
The music, that's what it does

ooh ooh that's what it does
And it might make you lose your mind
And it might make you cry sometimes
And it might chase the pain away
(ooh ooh ooh ooh)
And it make you lose your mind

And it might make you lose your mind, that's what it does (it might make you cry sometimes)
And it might make you cry sometimes, that's what it does (it might chase the pain away)
And it might chase the pain away, that's what it does (I say the devil the angel the pain and the pleasure)
The devil, the angel, the pain and the pleasure (of the music)
The music, that's what it does

Mirror lyrics:

The music, that's what it does
The devil, the angel, the pain and the pleasure (of the music)
And it might chase the pain away, that's what it does (I say the devil the angel the pain and the pleasure)
And it might make you cry sometimes, that's what it does (it might chase the pain away)
And it might make you lose your mind, that's what it does (it might make you cry sometimes)

And it make you lose your mind
(ooh ooh ooh ooh)
And it might chase the pain away
And it might make you cry sometimes
And it might make you lose your mind
ooh ooh that's what it does

The music, that's what it does
The devil, the angel, the pain and the pleasure
And it might chase the pain away, that's what it does
And it might make you cry sometimes, that's what it does
And it might make you lose your mind, that's what it does

That's what it does
said it is, it will be and it was
The house of fire, your and your love

It is, it will be and it was
But you never felt so alive
As the strings in the background kill you inside
On your back, on the floor you continue to cry
You wound up crying some more
Turned on the song or release from the soreness of crying
A woman whatever, you understand
Yesterday you were crying the loss of a man,

The music, that's what it does
The devil, the angel, the pain and the pleasure
And it might chase the pain away, that's what it does
And it might make you cry sometimes, that's what it does
And it might make you lose your mind, that's what it does

That's what it does
If you listen right, the part that touches your heart and your soul
But if you believe, well it just might
For the moment, the song will change your life
And whatever was wrong, it's faded away
Now that it's on there's a smile on your face
You was feeling something, something was wrong
Thirty seconds before you turned on this song

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Whhat Itt Dkes Tat's Wat I Dkoes Taht's Waht It Dokes Tjat's Wjat If D9es Tjhat's Wjhat Ift D9oes Thjat's Whjat Itf Do9es
Tuat's Wuat I5 D0es Tuhat's Wuhat I5t D0oes Thuat's Whuat It5 Do0es Tnat's Wnat Ih Dles Tnhat's Wnhat Iht Dloes Thnat's Whnat Ith Doles
Tbat's Wbat Iy Dies Tbhat's Wbhat Iyt Dioes Thbat's Whbat Ity Doies Tgat's Wgat I6 Doees Wghat I6t Dos Thgat's Whgat It6 Dose
Tyat's Wyat Ig Doss Wyhat Igt Doses Thyat's Whyat Itg Doess Thaat's Whaat Ir Do3s Tht's Wht Irt Do3es Thta's Whta Itr Doe3s
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