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Make Up Your Mind Catch Me I'm Falling [reprise]...

Doctor Madden:
Make up your mind
This is clarity—
Clarity that you did not
Have before.
The treatment is strong,
But lasts only so long.
It may be your mind’s
Needing more.

Make up your mind
That you’ll try again.
Make up your mind,
There are moments of light.
The one thing that’s sure
Is that there is no cure—
But that doesn’t mean
We don’t fight.

Catch me I’m falling...
Sinking and sprawling...
Maybe I’ll let myself fall.

Diana & Gabe:
Catch me I’m falling...
Maybe the falling...

Diana: Gabe:
Isn’t so bad Make up your mind
After all... To be free.
Isn’t so bad Make up your mind
After all... To be free.
Watch me I’m falling. Make up your mind.
Watch me I’m flying. Make up your mind.
Somehow surviving... Make up—

Doctor Madden:
Stay with me.
Try again.
Don’t walk out on treatment,
Don’t lose what you’ve won.
You’ve struggled for years,
But you’ve only begun.

Stay with me.
Try again.
Is medicine magic?
You know that it’s not.
We know it’s not perfect,
But it’s what we’ve got.
It’s all that we’ve got.

Mirror lyrics:

It’s all that we’ve got.
But it’s what we’ve got.
We know it’s not perfect,
You know that it’s not.
Is medicine magic?
Try again.
Stay with me.

But you’ve only begun.
You’ve struggled for years,
Don’t lose what you’ve won.
Don’t walk out on treatment,
Try again.
Stay with me.
Doctor Madden:

Somehow surviving... Make up—
Watch me I’m flying. Make up your mind.
Watch me I’m falling. Make up your mind.
After all... To be free.
Isn’t so bad Make up your mind
After all... To be free.
Isn’t so bad Make up your mind
Diana: Gabe:

Maybe the falling...
Catch me I’m falling...
Diana & Gabe:

Maybe I’ll let myself fall.
Sinking and sprawling...
Catch me I’m falling...

We don’t fight.
But that doesn’t mean
Is that there is no cure—
The one thing that’s sure
There are moments of light.
Make up your mind,
That you’ll try again.
Make up your mind

Needing more.
It may be your mind’s
But lasts only so long.
The treatment is strong,
Have before.
Clarity that you did not
This is clarity—
Make up your mind
Doctor Madden:

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