Next To Normal
Didn't I See This Movie (feat. Alice Ripley And L...

Didn't I see this movie,
With McMurphy and the nurse?
The hospital was heavy
But this cuckoo's nest is worse.
And isn't this the one where
In the end the good guys fry?
Didn't I see this movie
And didn't I cry?
Didn't I cry?

Doctor Madden: [Spoken]
The modern procedure's clean and simple. The electricity
required is barely enough to light a hundred-watt bulb.

What makes you think
I'd lose my mind for you?
I'm no sociopath.
I'm no Sylvia Plath.
I ain't no Frances Farmer
Kind of find for you...
So stay out of my brain—
I'm no princess of pain.

Didn't I see this movie
Where the doctor looked like you?
Where the patient got impatient
And said "sorry, doc, I'm through.
I know where this is going,
And I know what you're about—
'Cause I have seen this movie
And I walked out."
I walked out.
I'm walking—

Mirror lyrics:

I'm walking—
I walked out.
And I walked out."
'Cause I have seen this movie
And I know what you're about—
I know where this is going,
And said "sorry, doc, I'm through.
Where the patient got impatient
Where the doctor looked like you?
Didn't I see this movie

I'm no princess of pain.
So stay out of my brain—
Kind of find for you...
I ain't no Frances Farmer
I'm no Sylvia Plath.
I'm no sociopath.
I'd lose my mind for you?
What makes you think

required is barely enough to light a hundred-watt bulb.
The modern procedure's clean and simple. The electricity
Doctor Madden: [Spoken]

Didn't I cry?
And didn't I cry?
Didn't I see this movie
In the end the good guys fry?
And isn't this the one where
But this cuckoo's nest is worse.
The hospital was heavy
With McMurphy and the nurse?
Didn't I see this movie,

Relevant Tags:
DDidn't II SSee TThis MMovie ((feat. AAlice RRipley AAnd LL... idn't ee his ovie feat. lice ipley nd ...
iDdn't I eSe hTis oMvie f(eat. lAice iRpley nAd .L.. xidn't j zee fhis jovie (ffeat. zlice dipley znd k...
xDidn't jI zSee fThis jMovie (eat. zAlice dRipley zAnd kL... Dxidn't Ij Szee Tfhis Mjovie (efat. Azlice Rdipley Aznd Lk...
eidn't 9 wee 5his kovie (ceat. qlice 4ipley qnd o... eDidn't 9I wSee 5This kMovie (cfeat. qAlice 4Ripley qAnd oL...
Deidn't I9 Swee T5his Mkovie (fceat. Aqlice R4ipley Aqnd Lo... fidn't l dee hhis novie (reat. slice gipley snd p...
fDidn't lI dSee hThis nMovie (rfeat. sAlice gRipley sAnd pL... Dfidn't Il Sdee Thhis Mnovie (freat. Aslice Rgipley Asnd Lp...
ridn't o eee yhis Moovie (geat. wlice tipley wnd L.... rDidn't oI eSee yThis Mvie (gfeat. wAlice tRipley wAnd L..
Dridn't Io Seee Tyhis Mvoie (fgeat. Awlice Rtipley Awnd L... cidn't k xee 6his Mkvie (teat. xlice 5ipley xnd
cDidn't kI xSee 6This (tfeat. xAlice 5Ripley xAnd Dcidn't Ik Sxee T6his Mokvie (fteat. Axlice R5ipley Axnd
sidn't 8 aee ghis M9vie (veat. Allice fipley Annd sDidn't 8I aSee gThis M9ovie (vfeat. Aice fRipley Ad
Dsidn't I8 Saee Tghis Mo9vie (fveat. Ailce Rfipley Adn Diidn't u rhis M0vie (deat. Akice eipley Amd
Ddn't uI Se rThis M0ovie (dfeat. Aklice eRipley Amnd Ddin't Iu See Trhis Mo0vie (fdeat. Alkice Reipley Anmd
Djdn't Sse Mlvie (feeat. Aoice Riipley Ahd Djidn't Ssee Tis Mlovie (fat. Aolice Rpley Ahnd
Dijdn't Sese Tihs Molvie (faet. Aloice Rpiley Anhd D9dn't S3e Tjis Mivie (fsat. Apice Rjpley Ajd
D9idn't S3ee Tjhis Miovie (fseat. Aplice Rjipley Ajnd Di9dn't Se3e Thjis Moivie (fesat. Alpice Rijpley Anjd
Dldn't Sfe Tuis Movvie (f3at. Aliice R9pley Abd Dlidn't Sfee Tuhis Moie (f3eat. Alce R9ipley Abnd
Dildn't Sefe Thuis Moive (fe3at. Alcie Ri9pley Anbd Dodn't Sre Tnis Mobie (ffat. Aljce Rlpley Andd
Doidn't Sree Tnhis Mobvie Aljice Rlipley An Diodn't Sere Thnis Movbie (fefat. Alijce Rilpley And
Dkdn't S4e Tbis Mocie (frat. Al9ce Ropley Anx Dkidn't S4ee Tbhis Mocvie Al9ice Roipley Anxd
Dikdn't Se4e Thbis Movcie (ferat. Ali9ce Riopley Andx D8dn't Sde Tgis Mogie (f4at. Allce Rkpley Ane
D8idn't Mogvie (f4eat. Rkipley Aned Di8dn't Sede Thgis Movgie (fe4at. Alilce Rikpley Ande
Dudn't Swe Tyis Mofie (fdat. Aloce R8pley Anf Duidn't Mofvie R8ipley Anfd
Diudn't Sewe Thyis Movfie (fedat. Alioce Ri8pley Andf Diddn't Thiis Moviie (fwat. Alkce Rupley Anr
Din't Ths Move (fweat. Ruipley Anrd Dind't Thsi Movei (fewat. Alikce Riupley Andr
Dixn't Ses Thjs Movje (feaat. Al8ce Rippley Anc Dixdn't Movjie (fet. Al8ice Riley Ancd
Didxn't Sees Thijs Movije (feta. Ali8ce Rilpey Andc Dien't Se3 Th9s Mov9e (fezt. Aluce Ri0ley Ans
Diedn't Th9is Mov9ie (fezat. Aluice Ri0pley Ansd Diden't See3 Thi9s Movi9e (feazt. Aliuce Rip0ley Ands
Difn't Sef Thls Movle (feqt. Alicce Rilley Difdn't Thlis Movlie (feqat. Alie
Didfn't Seef Thils Movile (feaqt. Aliec Riplley Dirn't Ser Thos Movoe (fest. Alife Rioley

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