Nate Logan
Me And You (everything We Had)

I'm tearing up the letters that you wrote me
And I'm hiding all the pictures that we took
Cause if we're being honest I know I'm gonna miss you
And the feeling I got when you gave me that look

But this fairytale didn't have a happy ending
No there was not a “happily ever after”
And I guess I just wasn't your prince charming
After all, your crying was louder than your laughter

But I know this is how it's got to be
Things just weren't meant to be
We gave it our best shot,
We tried our hardest
We just lost a war with fate
And eventually we parted
I'm so sad to watch this go
But there's nothing we can do
There just cannot be
A me and...

And all the songs on the stereo never fail
To remind me of everything we had
But the long drives to and from your house are gone now
So I'm refreshing my playlist and I'll turn it up loud

Yeah I know this is how it has got to be
Things just weren't meant to be
We gave it our best shot,
We tried our hardest
We just lost a war with fate
And eventually we parted
I'm so sad to watch this go
But there's nothing we can do
There just cannot be
A me and…

How could this happen to you and me?
Something rock solid until eternity.
And like nothing our rock shattered into a million broken pieces
No amount of damage control could've stopped the both of us from bleeding

So I know this is how it's got to be
Things just weren't meant to be
We gave it our best shot, (Oh)
We tried our hardest
We just lost a war with fate (Oh)
And eventually we parted
I'm so sad to watch this go
But there's nothing we can do
There just cannot be
There just cannot be
There just will not be
A me and you.

Mirror lyrics:

A me and you.
There just will not be
There just cannot be
There just cannot be
But there's nothing we can do
I'm so sad to watch this go
And eventually we parted
We just lost a war with fate (Oh)
We tried our hardest
We gave it our best shot, (Oh)
Things just weren't meant to be
So I know this is how it's got to be

No amount of damage control could've stopped the both of us from bleeding
And like nothing our rock shattered into a million broken pieces
Something rock solid until eternity.
How could this happen to you and me?

A me and…
There just cannot be
But there's nothing we can do
I'm so sad to watch this go
And eventually we parted
We just lost a war with fate
We tried our hardest
We gave it our best shot,
Things just weren't meant to be
Yeah I know this is how it has got to be

So I'm refreshing my playlist and I'll turn it up loud
But the long drives to and from your house are gone now
To remind me of everything we had
And all the songs on the stereo never fail

A me and...
There just cannot be
But there's nothing we can do
I'm so sad to watch this go
And eventually we parted
We just lost a war with fate
We tried our hardest
We gave it our best shot,
Things just weren't meant to be
But I know this is how it's got to be

After all, your crying was louder than your laughter
And I guess I just wasn't your prince charming
No there was not a “happily ever after”
But this fairytale didn't have a happy ending

And the feeling I got when you gave me that look
Cause if we're being honest I know I'm gonna miss you
And I'm hiding all the pictures that we took
I'm tearing up the letters that you wrote me

Relevant Tags:
MMe AAnd YYou ((everything WWe HHad) e nd ou everything e ad) eM nAd oYu e(verything eW aHd) je znd gou (eeverything ae jad) jMe zAnd gYou (verything aWe jHad)
Mje Aznd Ygou (veerything Wae Hjad) ke qnd hou (sverything 3e uad) kMe qAnd hYou (severything 3We uHad) Mke Aqnd Yhou (esverything W3e Huad) ne snd 6ou (3verything de nad)
nMe sAnd 6You (3everything dWe nHad) Mne Asnd Y6ou (e3verything Wde Hnad) Mee wnd uou (fverything ee bad) M wAnd uYou (feverything eWe bHad) Me Awnd Yuou (efverything Wee Hbad)
Ms xnd 7ou (rverything se gad) Mse xAnd 7You (reverything sWe gHad) Mes Axnd Y7ou (erverything Wse Hgad) M3 Annd jou (4verything 2e yad) M3e Ad jYou (4everything 2We yHad)
Me3 Adn Yjou (e4verything W2e Hyad) Mf Amd tou (dverything qe Haad) Mfe Amnd tYou (deverything qWe Hd) Mef Anmd Ytou (edverything Wqe Hda) Mr Ahd Yoou (wverything Hzd)
Mre Ahnd Yu (weverything W Hzad) Mer Anhd Yuo (ewverything We Hazd) M4 Ajd Yku (evverything Ws Hqd) M4e Ajnd Ykou (eerything Hqad) Me4 Anjd Yoku (eevrything Wes Haqd)
Md Abd Y9u (eberything W3 Hsd) Mde Abnd Y9ou (ebverything Hsad) Med Anbd Yo9u (evberything We3 Hasd) Mw Andd Y0u (ecerything Wf Hwd) Mwe An Y0ou (ecverything Wfe Hwad)
Mew And Yo0u (evcerything Wef Hawd) Anx Ylu (egerything Wr Hxd) Anxd Ylou (egverything Wre Hxad) Andx Yolu (evgerything Wer Haxd) Ane Yiu (eferything W4 Hadd)
Aned Yiou W4e Ha) Ande Yoiu (evferything We4 Ha)d Anf Youu (eveerything Wd Hax) Anfd Yo (evrything Andf You (evreything Wed Hadx)
Anr Yoh (evsrything Ww Hae) Anrd Yohu (evserything Wwe Haed) Andr Youh (evesrything Wew Hade) Anc Yo7 (ev3rything Haf) Ancd Yo7u (ev3erything Hafd)
Andc You7 (eve3rything Hadf) Ans Yok (evfrything Har) Ansd Hard) Ands Youk (evefrything Hadr) Yoi (evrrything Hac)
(evrerything Hacd) Youi (everrything Hadc) Yo8 (ev4rything Has) Yo8u (ev4erything You8 (eve4rything Hads)
Yoj (evdrything Had)) Yoju (evderything Had Youj (evedrything Had) Yoy (evwrything Yoyu (evwerything
Youy (evewrything (eveything (eveyrthing (evedything (everdything
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(ever5ything (evefything (everfything (eveeything (evereything
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(everhthing (everhything (everyhthing

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