Nate Dogg
I'm Gonna Make My Money

(Chorus) x4
I gonna make
I'm gonna make my money (money)

From the time that I was only seventeen
I knew I loved to write, I knew I loved to sing, I've seen
I've seen about my friends and all the gangsta things we did, we did
Back in those days there was some who always said
You'll never make it no, you'll never get ahead of time
I guess I'm going for mine, contrary to what they said and I did
this is just to let you know

(Chorus) x4
I gonna make
I'm gonna make my money (money)

No matter what they say to me, I'm gonna make my money
And anyone who don't believe, best stay away from me
Been on a mash for currency, since 1993
There ain't no way you stopping me
I'm determined as I can be
And if my funds get low again one thing I can guarantee
you catch me by the corner store sellin badass bags of weed

Not because I think it's cool, or because I think it's neat
It boils down to one simple fact, me and mines have got to eat

(Chorus) x4
I gonna make
I'm gonna make my money (money)

Tell me have you ever heard G-Funk
Tell me have you ever heard

Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate

(repeats through chorus)
Tell me have you ever heard G-Funk
Tell me have you ever heard
(Chorus) x4
I gonna make
I'm gonna make my money (money)

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna make my money (money)
I gonna make
(Chorus) x4
Tell me have you ever heard
Tell me have you ever heard G-Funk
(repeats through chorus)

Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate

Tell me have you ever heard
Tell me have you ever heard G-Funk

I'm gonna make my money (money)
I gonna make
(Chorus) x4

It boils down to one simple fact, me and mines have got to eat
Not because I think it's cool, or because I think it's neat

you catch me by the corner store sellin badass bags of weed
And if my funds get low again one thing I can guarantee
I'm determined as I can be
There ain't no way you stopping me
Been on a mash for currency, since 1993
And anyone who don't believe, best stay away from me
No matter what they say to me, I'm gonna make my money

I'm gonna make my money (money)
I gonna make
(Chorus) x4

this is just to let you know
I guess I'm going for mine, contrary to what they said and I did
You'll never make it no, you'll never get ahead of time
Back in those days there was some who always said
I've seen about my friends and all the gangsta things we did, we did
I knew I loved to write, I knew I loved to sing, I've seen
From the time that I was only seventeen

I'm gonna make my money (money)
I gonna make
(Chorus) x4

Relevant Tags:
II'm GGonna MMake MMy MMoney 'm onna ake y oney 'Im oGnna aMke yM oMney j'm honna jake jy joney jI'm hGonna jMake jMy jMoney Ij'm Ghonna Mjake Mjy Mjoney
9'm yonna kake ky koney 9I'm yGonna kMake kMy kMoney I9'm Gyonna Mkake Mky Mkoney l'm bonna nake ny noney lI'm bGonna nMake nMy nMoney Il'm Gbonna Mnake Mny Mnoney
o'm vonna Maake Myy Mooney oI'm vGonna Mke M Mney Io'm Gvonna Mkae My Mnoey k'm fonna Mzke Mg Mkney kI'm fGonna Mzake Mgy Ik'm Gfonna Mazke Myg Mokney
8'm tonna Mqke Mh M9ney 8I'm tGonna Mqake Mhy M9oney I8'm Gtonna Maqke Myh Mo9ney u'm Goonna Mske M6 M0ney uI'm Gnna Msake M6y M0oney Iu'm Gnona Maske My6 Mo0ney
I''m Gknna Mwke Mu Mlney Im Gkonna Mwake Muy Mloney Im' Goknna Mawke Myu Molney I'mm G9nna Mxke M7 Miney I' G9onna Mxake M7y Mioney I'm Go9nna Maxke My7 Moiney
I'j G0nna Makke Mj Monney I'jm G0onna Mae Moey I'mj Go0nna Maek Myj Moeny I'k Glnna Male Mt Momey I'km Glonna Malke Mty Momney I'mk Golnna Makle Myt Monmey
I'n Ginna Maoe Mohey I'nm Gionna Maoke Mohney I'mn Goinna Makoe Monhey Gonnna Mame Mojey Gona Mamke Mojney Gonna Makme Monjey
Gomna Maje Mobey Gomnna Majke Mobney Gonmna Makje Monbey Gohna Maie Moneey

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