Natasha Thomas
Your Love Carries Me

Sometimes when I feel
Like I'm stuck inside my mind
You're understanding
And you give me space and time

You see through me
Lovin' me for who I am
You're just there for me
And I never have to pretend

To figure it out on my own
You never tell me what to do
You just try to guide me through
And give me room to grow....

Even when I try to reach to high
I know that I'll always be alright
Even if I fall I know
I wont fall too hard
Cause your love carries me.

Even though I tend to be dramatic
You calm me down
And clear away the static
No matter what in life I may achieve
Could never mean more
Than your believe in me

Sometimes when I feel
I'm being criticized
I can always find
Compassion in your eyes
I could have all the money in the world
You'd still mean more to me
Cause your love makes me richer than most

Cause I'm not always gonna be right
And I'm always gonna reach too high
And even though my life keeps changing
I know you'll always be right by my side

Mirror lyrics:

I know you'll always be right by my side
And even though my life keeps changing
And I'm always gonna reach too high
Cause I'm not always gonna be right

Cause your love makes me richer than most
You'd still mean more to me
I could have all the money in the world
Compassion in your eyes
I can always find
I'm being criticized
Sometimes when I feel

Than your believe in me
Could never mean more
No matter what in life I may achieve
And clear away the static
You calm me down
Even though I tend to be dramatic

Cause your love carries me.
I wont fall too hard
Even if I fall I know
I know that I'll always be alright
Even when I try to reach to high

And give me room to grow....
You just try to guide me through
You never tell me what to do
To figure it out on my own

And I never have to pretend
You're just there for me
Lovin' me for who I am
You see through me

And you give me space and time
You're understanding
Like I'm stuck inside my mind
Sometimes when I feel

Relevant Tags:
YYour LLove CCarries MMe our ove arries e oYur oLve aCrries eM gour kove farries je gYour kLove fCarries jMe Ygour Lkove Cfarries Mje
hour oove xarries ke hYour oLove xCarries kMe Yhour Loove Cxarries Mke 6our pove varries ne 6Your pLove vCarries nMe Y6our Lpove Cvarries Mne
uour darries Mee uYour Lve dCarries M Yuour Lvoe Cdarries Me 7our Lkve Caarries Ms 7Your Crries Mse Y7our Lokve Craries Mes
jour L9ve Czrries M3 jYour L9ove Czarries M3e Yjour Lo9ve Cazrries Me3 tour L0ve Cqrries Mf tYour L0ove Cqarries Mfe Ytour Lo0ve Caqrries Mef
Yoour Llve Csrries Mr Yur Llove Csarries Mre Yuor Lolve Casrries Mer Ykur Live Cwrries M4 Ykour Liove Cwarries M4e Yokur Loive Cawrries Me4
Y9ur Lovve Cxrries Md Y9our Loe Mde Yo9ur Loev Caxrries Med Y0ur Lobe Carrries Mw Y0our Lobve Caries Mwe Yo0ur Lovbe Carries Mew
Ylur Loce Cadries Ylour Locve Cadrries Yolur Lovce Cardries Yiur Loge Ca4ries Yiour Logve Ca4rries Yoiur Lovge Car4ries
Youur Lofe Cagries Yor Lofve Cagrries Yoru Lovfe Cargries Yohr Lovee Catries Yohur Lov Catrries Youhr Love Cartries
Yo7r Lovs Ca5ries Yo7ur Lovse Ca5rries You7r Loves Car5ries Yokr Lov3 Cafries Lov3e Cafrries Youkr Love3 Carfries
Yoir Lovf Caeries Caerries Youir Lovef Careries Yo8r Lovr Yo8ur Lovre You8r Lover Carires
Yojr Lov4 Cardies Yojur Lov4e Youjr Love4 Carrdies Yoyr Lovd Car4ies Yoyur Lovde Youyr Loved Carr4ies
Yourr Lovw Cargies You Lovwe

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