Paul Wilbur
Dance With Me

Dance with me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs
Romance me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs

Behold you have come over the hills and upon the mountains
to me you have run my beloved you've captured my heart

Dance with me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs
Romance me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs

with you i will go (i will go)
you are my love(you are)
you are my fair one (my fair one)
winter has passed (winter has passed)
and the spring time has come

Dance with me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs
Romance me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs

Dance with me,3x
Dance with me,3x

O dance with me
O lover of my soul
to the song of all songs
Romance me
O Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs
Song of all songs

Mirror lyrics:

Song of all songs
to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Romance me
to the song of all songs
O lover of my soul
O dance with me

Dance with me,3x
Dance with me,3x

to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Romance me
to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Dance with me

and the spring time has come
winter has passed (winter has passed)
you are my fair one (my fair one)
you are my love(you are)
with you i will go (i will go)

to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Romance me
to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Dance with me

to me you have run my beloved you've captured my heart
Behold you have come over the hills and upon the mountains

to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Romance me
to the song of all songs
O Lover of my soul
Dance with me

Relevant Tags:
DDance WWith MMe ance ith e aDnce iWth eM xance aith je xDance aWith jMe Dxance Waith Mje eance 3ith ke eDance 3With kMe Deance W3ith Mke
fance dith ne fDance dWith nMe Dfance Wdith Mne rance eith Mee rDance eWith M Drance Weith Me cance sith Ms cDance sWith Mse Dcance Wsith Mes
sance 2ith M3 sDance 2With M3e Dsance W2ith Me3 Daance qith Mf Dnce qWith Mfe Dnace Wqith Mef Dznce Wiith Mr Dzance Wth Mre Daznce Wtih Mer
Dqnce Wjth M4 Dqance Wjith M4e Daqnce Wijth Me4 Dsnce W9th Md W9ith Mde Dasnce Wi9th Med Dwnce Wlth Mw Dwance Wlith Mwe Dawnce Wilth Mew
Dxnce Woth Woith Daxnce Wioth Dannce Wkth Dace Wkith Dacne Wikth Damce W8th Damnce W8ith Danmce Wi8th

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