Paul Weller
You Do Something To Me

You do something to me - something deep inside
I'm hanging on the wire - with love I'll never find
You do something wonderful - then chase it all away
Mixing my emotions - throws me back again

Hanging on the wire, I'm waiting for the change
I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame-
An' feel real again.

You do something to me - somewhere deep inside
I'm hoping to get close to- a peace I cannot find-

Dancing through the fire- just to catch a flame
Just to get close to, just close enough-
To tell you that……

You do something to me-something deep inside

Mirror lyrics:

You do something to me-something deep inside

To tell you that……
Just to get close to, just close enough-
Dancing through the fire- just to catch a flame

I'm hoping to get close to- a peace I cannot find-
You do something to me - somewhere deep inside

An' feel real again.
I'm dancing through the fire, just to catch a flame-
Hanging on the wire, I'm waiting for the change

Mixing my emotions - throws me back again
You do something wonderful - then chase it all away
I'm hanging on the wire - with love I'll never find
You do something to me - something deep inside

Relevant Tags:
YYou DDo SSomething TTo MMe ou o omething o e oYu oD oSmething oT eM gou xo zomething fo je gYou xDo zSomething fTo jMe Ygou Dxo Szomething Tfo Mje
hou eo womething 5o ke hYou eDo wSomething 5To kMe Yhou Deo Swomething T5o Mke 6ou fo domething ho ne 6You fDo dSomething hTo nMe Y6ou Dfo Sdomething Tho Mne
uou ro eomething yo Mee uYou rDo eSomething yTo M Yuou Dro Seomething Tyo Me 7ou co xomething 6o Ms 7You cDo xSomething 6To Mse Y7ou Dco Sxomething T6o Mes
jou so aomething go M3 jYou sDo aSomething gTo M3e Yjou Dso Saomething Tgo Me3 tou Doo Soomething ro Mf tYou D Smething rTo Mfe Ytou Do Smoething Tro Mef
Yoou Dk Skmething Too Mr Yu Dko Skomething T Mre Yuo Dok Sokmething To Mer Yku D9 S9mething Tk M4 Ykou D9o S9omething Tko M4e Yoku Do9 So9mething Tok Me4
Y9u D0 S0mething T9 Md Y9ou D0o S0omething T9o Mde Yo9u Do0 So0mething To9 Med Y0u Dl Slmething T0 Mw Y0ou Dlo Slomething T0o Mwe Yo0u Dol Solmething To0 Mew
Ylu Di Simething Tl Ylou Dio Siomething Tlo Yolu Doi Soimething Tol Yiu Sommething Ti Yiou Soething Tio Yoiu Soemthing Toi
Youu Sojething Yo Sojmething You Somjething Yoh Sokething Yohu Youh Somkething
Yo7 Sonething Yo7u Sonmething You7 Somnething Yok Someething Somthing Youk Somtehing
Yoi Somsthing Somsething Youi Somesthing Yo8 Som3thing Yo8u Som3ething You8 Some3thing
Yoj Somfthing Yoju Somfething Youj Somefthing Yoy Somrthing Yoyu Somrething Youy Somerthing
Som4thing Som4ething Some4thing Somdthing Somdething Somedthing
Somwthing Somwething Somewthing Sometthing Somehing Somehting
Somefhing Sometfhing Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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