Paula Abdul
Goodnight, My Love

Goodnight, my love

Goodnight, my love
Pleasant dreams and sleep tight, my love
May tomorrow be sunny and bright
And bring you closer to me

Before you go
There's just one thing I want to know
Is you love still warm for me
Or has it gone cold?

If you should awake
In the still of the night
Please have no fears
I'll be there
You know I care
Please give your love to me, dear

Goodnight, my love
Pleasant dreams and sleep tight, my love
May tomorrow be sunny and bright
And bring you closer to me

Goodnight,my love (ect.)

Mirror lyrics:

Goodnight,my love (ect.)

And bring you closer to me
May tomorrow be sunny and bright
Pleasant dreams and sleep tight, my love
Goodnight, my love

Please give your love to me, dear
You know I care
I'll be there
Please have no fears
In the still of the night
If you should awake

Or has it gone cold?
Is you love still warm for me
There's just one thing I want to know
Before you go

And bring you closer to me
May tomorrow be sunny and bright
Pleasant dreams and sleep tight, my love
Goodnight, my love

Goodnight, my love

Relevant Tags:
GGoodnight, MMy LLove oodnight, y ove oGodnight, yM oLve hoodnight, jy kove hGoodnight, jMy kLove Ghoodnight, Mjy Lkove
yoodnight, ky oove yGoodnight, kMy oLove Gyoodnight, Mky Loove boodnight, ny pove bGoodnight, nMy pLove Gboodnight, Mny Lpove
voodnight, Myy vGoodnight, M Lve Gvoodnight, My Lvoe foodnight, Mg Lkve fGoodnight, Mgy Gfoodnight, Myg Lokve
toodnight, Mh L9ve tGoodnight, Mhy L9ove Gtoodnight, Myh Lo9ve Gooodnight, M6 L0ve Godnight, M6y L0ove Goodnight, My6 Lo0ve
Gkodnight, Mu Llve Gkoodnight, Muy Llove Gokodnight, Myu Lolve G9odnight, M7 Live G9oodnight, M7y Liove Go9odnight, My7 Loive
G0odnight, Mj Lovve G0oodnight, Loe Go0odnight, Myj Loev Glodnight, Mt Lobe Gloodnight, Mty Lobve Golodnight, Myt Lovbe
Giodnight, Loce Gioodnight, Locve Goiodnight, Lovce Loge Logve Godonight, Lovge
Gokdnight, Lofe Lofve Gookdnight, Lovfe Go9dnight, Lovee Lov Goo9dnight, Love
Go0dnight, Lovs Lovse Goo0dnight, Loves Goldnight, Lov3 Lov3e Gooldnight, Love3
Goidnight, Lovf Gooidnight, Lovef Gooddnight, Lovr Goonight, Lovre Goondight, Lover Gooxnight, Lov4
Gooxdnight, Lov4e Goodxnight, Love4 Gooenight, Lovd Gooednight, Lovde Goodenight, Loved Goofnight, Lovw
Goofdnight, Lovwe Goodfnight, Lovew Goornight, Goordnight, Goodrnight, Goocnight,
Goocdnight, Goodcnight, Goosnight, Goosdnight, Goodsnight, Goodnnight,
Goodight, Goodinght, Goodmight, Goodmnight, Goodnmight, Goodhight,

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