Paul Young
Softly Whispering I Love You

Artist : Paul Young
Title : Softly Whispering I Love You
Softly whispering I love you
Echoes of your voice are calling still from my dreams
Softening the chill of the breeze
Through my window
I can see the moon glow
Painting silver shadows on a rose coloured land
A world that we walk hand in hand
In a day of gold covered by the glow of new love
I can feel your warm face, ever close to my lips
And the scent of you invades a cool evening air
I can close my eyes and you're there
You're in my arms still
Oh I know your soft kiss
Turning into music every beat of my heart
When I hold you close to my heart

And I hear your voice whispering I love you

I can feel your warm face, ever close to my lips
And the scent of you invades a cool evening air
I feel you there in my arms still
Oh I know your soft kiss
Is turning into music every beat of my heart

And I hear your voice whispering I love you

Oh I know I need you
I feel you there in my arms still
I keep to forget
I love you

Mirror lyrics:

I love you
I keep to forget
I feel you there in my arms still
Oh I know I need you

And I hear your voice whispering I love you

Is turning into music every beat of my heart
Oh I know your soft kiss
I feel you there in my arms still
And the scent of you invades a cool evening air
I can feel your warm face, ever close to my lips

And I hear your voice whispering I love you

When I hold you close to my heart
Turning into music every beat of my heart
Oh I know your soft kiss
You're in my arms still
I can close my eyes and you're there
And the scent of you invades a cool evening air
I can feel your warm face, ever close to my lips
In a day of gold covered by the glow of new love
A world that we walk hand in hand
Painting silver shadows on a rose coloured land
I can see the moon glow
Through my window
Softening the chill of the breeze
Echoes of your voice are calling still from my dreams
Softly whispering I love you
Title : Softly Whispering I Love You
Artist : Paul Young

Relevant Tags:
SSoftly WWhispering II LLove YYou oftly hispering ove ou oSftly hWispering I oLve oYu zoftly ahispering j kove gou zSoftly aWhispering jI kLove gYou
Szoftly Wahispering Ij Lkove Ygou woftly 3hispering 9 oove hou wSoftly 3Whispering 9I oLove hYou Swoftly W3hispering I9 Loove Yhou doftly dhispering l pove 6ou
dSoftly dWhispering lI pLove 6You Sdoftly Wdhispering Il Lpove Y6ou eoftly ehispering o uou eSoftly eWhispering oI Lve uYou Seoftly Wehispering Io Lvoe Yuou
xoftly shispering k Lkve 7ou xSoftly sWhispering kI 7You Sxoftly Wshispering Ik Lokve Y7ou aoftly 2hispering 8 L9ve jou aSoftly 2Whispering 8I L9ove jYou
Saoftly W2hispering I8 Lo9ve Yjou Sooftly qhispering u L0ve tou Sftly qWhispering uI L0ove tYou Sfotly Wqhispering Iu Lo0ve Ytou Skftly Whhispering Llve Yoou
Skoftly Wispering Llove Yu Sokftly Wihspering Lolve Yuo S9ftly Wjispering Live Yku S9oftly Wjhispering Liove Ykou So9ftly Whjispering Loive Yoku
S0ftly Wuispering Lovve Y9u S0oftly Wuhispering Loe Y9ou So0ftly Whuispering Loev Yo9u Slftly Wnispering Lobe Y0u Sloftly Wnhispering Lobve Y0ou
Solftly Whnispering Lovbe Yo0u Siftly Wbispering Loce Ylu Sioftly Wbhispering Locve Ylou Soiftly Whbispering Lovce Yolu Sofftly Wgispering Loge Yiu
Sotly Wghispering Logve Yiou Sotfly Whgispering Lovge Yoiu Soctly Wyispering Lofe Youu Socftly Wyhispering Lofve Yo Sofctly Whyispering Lovfe You
Sortly Whiispering Lovee Yoh Sorftly Whspering Lov Yohu Sofrtly Whsipering Love Youh Sogtly Whjspering Lovs Yo7 Sogftly Lovse Yo7u
Sofgtly Whijspering Loves You7 Sottly Wh9spering Lov3 Yok Sotftly Wh9ispering Lov3e Softtly Whi9spering Love3 Youk Sovtly Whlspering Lovf Yoi
Sovftly Whlispering Sofvtly Whilspering Lovef Youi Sodtly Whospering Lovr Yo8 Sodftly Whoispering Lovre Yo8u Sofdtly Whiospering Lover You8
Whkspering Lov4 Yoj Sofly Whkispering Lov4e Yoju Soflty Whikspering Love4 Youj Soffly Wh8spering Lovd Yoy Wh8ispering Lovde Yoyu
Softfly Whi8spering Loved Youy Sof5ly Whuspering Lovw Sof5tly Lovwe Soft5ly Whiuspering Lovew Sofhly Whisspering
Sofhtly Whipering Softhly Whipsering Sofyly Whizpering Sofytly Whizspering Softyly Whiszpering
Sof6ly Whiwpering Sof6tly Whiwspering Soft6ly Whiswpering Sofgly Whidpering Whidspering
Softgly Whisdpering Sofrly Whiepering Whiespering Softrly Whisepering Softlly Whixpering
Softy Whixspering Softyl Whisxpering Softky Whiapering Softkly Whiaspering Softlky Whisapering
Softoy Whisppering Softoly Whisering Softloy Whisepring Softpy Whis0ering Softply Whis0pering
Softlpy Whisp0ering Softlyy Whislering Softl Whislpering Softly Whisplering Softlg Whisoering

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