Pearl Jam
Thin Air

There's a light,.. when my baby is in my arms,...
There's alight,... when the window shades are drawn,...

Hesitate,.. when I feel I may do harm to her,..
Watch it all... cause this feeling we can share,..

And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air...

Byzantine,... is reflected in our pond,..
There's a cloud,... but the water remains calm...

reaching in,... the suns fingers clutch the dawn to pass,...
even out,... it's a precious thing to bear,...

and I know she's reached my heart,.. in thin air,...
yes I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air,..

It's not in my past to presume,...
Love can keep on moving,.. in both directions,...

How to be happy and true,...
Is the quest were taking on together,...

taking on,... on.. on,.. on,..
taking on ,... on,.. on .. on on,. on.

There's a light when my baby isin my arms,...

And I know she's reached my heart,. in thin air,...
and I know she's reached my heart,. in thin air,...
yes I know she's reached my heart,.. in thin air,...

Yes I know she's reached my heart.

Mirror lyrics:

Yes I know she's reached my heart.

yes I know she's reached my heart,.. in thin air,...
and I know she's reached my heart,. in thin air,...
And I know she's reached my heart,. in thin air,...

There's a light when my baby isin my arms,...

taking on ,... on,.. on .. on on,. on.
taking on,... on.. on,.. on,..

Is the quest were taking on together,...
How to be happy and true,...

Love can keep on moving,.. in both directions,...
It's not in my past to presume,...

yes I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air,..
and I know she's reached my heart,.. in thin air,...

even out,... it's a precious thing to bear,...
reaching in,... the suns fingers clutch the dawn to pass,...

There's a cloud,... but the water remains calm...
Byzantine,... is reflected in our pond,..

And I know she's reached my heart,... in thin air...

Watch it all... cause this feeling we can share,..
Hesitate,.. when I feel I may do harm to her,..

There's alight,... when the window shades are drawn,...
There's a light,.. when my baby is in my arms,...

Relevant Tags:
TThin AAir hin ir hTin iAr fhin zir fThin zAir Tfhin Azir 5hin qir 5Thin qAir T5hin Aqir hhin sir hThin sAir
Thhin Asir yhin wir yThin wAir Tyhin Awir 6hin xir 6Thin xAir T6hin Axir ghin Aiir gThin Ar Tghin Ari rhin Ajr
rThin Ajir Trhin Aijr A9r Tin A9ir Tihn Ai9r Tjin Alr Tjhin Alir Thjin Ailr Tuin Aor Tuhin Aoir Thuin Aior
Tnin Akr Tnhin Akir Thnin Aikr Tbin A8r Tbhin A8ir Thbin Ai8r

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