Pearl Jam
Sleight Of Hand

Routine was the theme
he'd wake up, wash and pour himself into uniform
something he hadn't imagined being
as the merging traffic passed
he found himself staring down
at his own hands
not remembering the change
not recalling the plan
was it?

He was okay
but wondering
about wandering
was it age?
by consequence?
or was he moved by sleight of hand?

Mondays were made to fall
lost on a road he knew by heart
it was like a book he read in his sleep, endlessly
sometimes he hid in his radio
watching others pull into their homes
while he was drifting

On a line
of his own
off the line
off the side
by the by
as dirt turned to sand
as if moved by sleight of hand

When he reached the shore of his clip-on world
he resurfaced to the norm
organized his few things, his coat and keys
any new realizations would have to wait
till he had more time
more time

A time to dream
to himself
he waves goodbye
to himself
I'll see you on the other side
another man moved by sleight of hand

Mirror lyrics:

another man moved by sleight of hand
I'll see you on the other side
to himself
he waves goodbye
to himself
A time to dream

more time
till he had more time
any new realizations would have to wait
organized his few things, his coat and keys
he resurfaced to the norm
When he reached the shore of his clip-on world

as if moved by sleight of hand
as dirt turned to sand
by the by
off the side
off the line
of his own
On a line

while he was drifting
watching others pull into their homes
sometimes he hid in his radio
it was like a book he read in his sleep, endlessly
lost on a road he knew by heart
Mondays were made to fall

or was he moved by sleight of hand?
by consequence?
was it age?
about wandering
but wondering
He was okay

was it?
not recalling the plan
not remembering the change
at his own hands
he found himself staring down
as the merging traffic passed
something he hadn't imagined being
he'd wake up, wash and pour himself into uniform
Routine was the theme

Relevant Tags:
SSleight OOf HHand leight f and lSeight fO aHnd zleight kf jand zSleight kOf jHand Szleight Okf Hjand wleight 9f uand
wSleight 9Of uHand Swleight O9f Huand dleight 0f nand dSleight 0Of nHand Sdleight O0f Hnand eleight lf band eSleight lOf bHand
Seleight Olf Hband xleight if gand xSleight iOf gHand Sxleight Oif Hgand aleight Off yand aSleight O yHand Saleight Of Hyand
Slleight Oc Haand Seight Ocf Hnd Selight Ofc Hnad Skeight Or Hznd Skleight Orf Hzand Slkeight Ofr Haznd Soeight Og Hqnd
Soleight Ogf Hqand Sloeight Ofg Haqnd Speight Ot Hsnd Spleight Otf Hsand Slpeight Oft Hasnd Sleeight Ov Hwnd Slight Ovf Hwand
Slieght Ofv Hawnd Slsight Od Hxnd Slseight Odf Hxand Slesight Ofd Haxnd Sl3ight Hannd Sl3eight Had Sle3ight Hadn
Slfight Hamd Slfeight Hamnd Slefight Hanmd Slright Hahd Slreight Hahnd Sleright Hanhd Sl4ight Hajd
Sl4eight Hajnd Sle4ight Hanjd Sldight Habd Sldeight Habnd Sledight Hanbd Slwight Handd Slweight Han
Slewight Hand Sleiight Hanx Sleght Hanxd Slegiht Handx Slejght Hane Slejight Haned Sleijght Hande
Sle9ght Hanf Sle9ight Hanfd Slei9ght Handf Slelght Hanr Slelight Hanrd Sleilght Handr Sleoght Hanc

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