Neneh Cherry
Move With Me

Into a world I plunge thru my headphones, escape into the streetlight
I begin to believe in destiny when my surroundings in rhythm with me
I'm just a grain of sand walking in a sea of people
I look around me and my name is just someone
For a moment in time I belong
Where my heart beats the fear is gone like destiny

So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms
Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms

Whispering as I was driving quietly the car was rolling like a bullet
I was feeling the speed moving me faster.
Addicted to the rhythm on my ghetto blaster
That's me supposing that the clarity of thought
Is clear enough to think it's real enough to touch
The wind on me got me tripping can I keep you next to me
Till the end of the world

So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms
Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms

So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms
Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms

Like the joker on the pile never coming or going
The colour of my true cards was showing
Keeping in touch with an idea that I been growing
Trust trust I must trust with my head on my chest
I rest with the rest of the restless

So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms
Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms

Mirror lyrics:

Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms
So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms

I rest with the rest of the restless
Trust trust I must trust with my head on my chest
Keeping in touch with an idea that I been growing
The colour of my true cards was showing
Like the joker on the pile never coming or going

Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms
So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms

Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms
So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms

Till the end of the world
The wind on me got me tripping can I keep you next to me
Is clear enough to think it's real enough to touch
That's me supposing that the clarity of thought
Addicted to the rhythm on my ghetto blaster
I was feeling the speed moving me faster.
Whispering as I was driving quietly the car was rolling like a bullet

Move with me I'm strong enough to be real in your arms
So move with me I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms

Where my heart beats the fear is gone like destiny
For a moment in time I belong
I look around me and my name is just someone
I'm just a grain of sand walking in a sea of people
I begin to believe in destiny when my surroundings in rhythm with me
Into a world I plunge thru my headphones, escape into the streetlight

Relevant Tags:
MMove WWith MMe ove ith e oMve iWth eM jove aith je jMove aWith jMe Mjove Waith Mje kove 3ith ke kMove 3With kMe Mkove W3ith Mke
nove dith ne nMove dWith nMe Mnove Wdith Mne Moove eith Mee Mve eWith M Mvoe Weith Me Mkve sith Ms sWith Mse Mokve Wsith Mes
M9ve 2ith M3 M9ove 2With M3e Mo9ve W2ith Me3 M0ve qith Mf M0ove qWith Mfe Mo0ve Wqith Mef Mlve Wiith Mr Mlove Wth Mre Molve Wtih Mer
Mive Wjth M4 Miove Wjith M4e Moive Wijth Me4 Movve W9th Md Moe W9ith Mde Moev Wi9th Med Mobe Wlth Mw Mobve Wlith Mwe Movbe Wilth Mew
Moce Woth Mocve Woith Movce Wioth Moge Wkth Mogve Wkith Movge Wikth Mofe W8th Mofve W8ith Movfe Wi8th

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