Only Time Will Tell

Hello, my friend, it sure has been a while
I don't know where the time has gone
But I've really missed your smile
It's been too long

I've got so much to say
That I don't know where to start
Ever since we went our separate ways
There's been a big hole in my heart.

(But) as I recall, It was you who said goodbye.
Now you're asking me to give it one more try.
Well only time will tell
If you're gonnastand beside me

Through both Heaven and Hell
I wanna know that you're behind me.
But only time will tell
If what we have together's

Gonna' last forever more
And so my friend, I hope you understand
It's hard to put my trust in you
`Cause I'm afraid you'll leave again
I want to believe you've finally seen the light
That you've missed my love and you want to make it right

But only time will tell
If you're gonnastand beside me
Through both Heaven and Hell
I wanna know that you're behind me.
But only time will tell
If what we have together's
Gonna' last forever more

I got no way of knowing
what the future's gonna bring
so I'll just listen to my heart
`Cause it's never lied to me
And what is meant to be
Only time will tell
If you're gonnastand beside me
Through both Heaven and Hell
I wanna know that you're behind me.
But only time will tell
If what we have together's
Gonna' last forever
Time will tell
Do you believe in me?
Time will tell
If we're gonna be together
Only time will
I want a love to last forever
Time will tell
Only time will tell

Mirror lyrics:

Only time will tell
Time will tell
I want a love to last forever
Only time will
If we're gonna be together
Time will tell
Do you believe in me?
Time will tell
Gonna' last forever
If what we have together's
But only time will tell
I wanna know that you're behind me.
Through both Heaven and Hell
If you're gonnastand beside me
Only time will tell
And what is meant to be
`Cause it's never lied to me
so I'll just listen to my heart
what the future's gonna bring
I got no way of knowing

Gonna' last forever more
If what we have together's
But only time will tell
I wanna know that you're behind me.
Through both Heaven and Hell
If you're gonnastand beside me
But only time will tell

That you've missed my love and you want to make it right
I want to believe you've finally seen the light
`Cause I'm afraid you'll leave again
It's hard to put my trust in you
And so my friend, I hope you understand
Gonna' last forever more

If what we have together's
But only time will tell
I wanna know that you're behind me.
Through both Heaven and Hell

If you're gonnastand beside me
Well only time will tell
Now you're asking me to give it one more try.
(But) as I recall, It was you who said goodbye.

There's been a big hole in my heart.
Ever since we went our separate ways
That I don't know where to start
I've got so much to say

It's been too long
But I've really missed your smile
I don't know where the time has gone
Hello, my friend, it sure has been a while

Relevant Tags:
OOnly TTime WWill TTell nly ime ill ell nOly iTme iWll eTll knly fime aill fell kOnly fTime aWill fTell Oknly Tfime Waill Tfell
9nly 5ime 3ill 5ell 9Only 5Time 3Will 5Tell O9nly T5ime W3ill T5ell 0nly hime dill hell 0Only hTime dWill hTell O0nly Thime Wdill Thell
lnly yime eill yell lOnly yTime eWill yTell Olnly Tyime Weill Tyell inly 6ime sill 6ell iOnly 6Time sWill 6Tell Oinly T6ime Wsill T6ell
Onnly gime 2ill gell Oly gTime 2Will gTell Olny Tgime W2ill Tgell Omly rime qill rell Omnly rTime qWill rTell Onmly Trime Wqill Trell
Ohly Tiime Wiill Teell Ohnly Tme Wll Tll Onhly Tmie Wlil Tlel Ojly Tjme Wjll Tsll Ojnly Tjime Wjill Tsell Onjly Tijme Wijll Tesll
Obly T9me W9ll T3ll Obnly T9ime W9ill T3ell Onbly Ti9me Wi9ll Te3ll Onlly Tlme Wlll Tfll Ony Tlime Wlill Onyl Tilme Willl Tefll
Onky Tome Woll Trll Onkly Toime Woill Onlky Tiome Wioll Terll Onoy Tkme Wkll T4ll Onoly Tkime Wkill T4ell

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