Neutral Milk Hotel
Two Headed Boy Part 2

Daddy, please hear this song that I sing,
in your heart there's a spark that just screams
for a lover to bring
a child to your chest
that could lay as you sleep,
and love all you have left
like your boy used to be, long ago,
wrapped in sheets warm and wet.

Blister, please, with those wings in your spine,
love to be with a brother of mine,
how he'd love to find your tongue in his teeth
in a struggle to find
secret songs that you keep
wrapped in boxes so tight,
sounding only at night as you sleep.

And in my dreams you're alive and you're crying,
as your mouth moves in mine, soft and sweet,
rings of flowers round your eyes
and I'll love you for the rest of your life (when you're ready)

Brother see we are one and the same,
and you left with your head filled with flames
and you watched as your brains
fell out through your teeth,
push the pieces in place
make your smile sweet to see,
don't you take this away
I'm still wanting my face on your cheek.

And when we break
we'll wait for our miracle,
God is a place where some holy spectacle lies.
And when we break
we'll wait for our miracle,
God is a place you will wait for the rest of your life.

Two-headed boy,
she is all you could need,
she will feed you tomatoes
and radio wire,
and retire to sheets safe and clean,
but don't hate her when she gets up to leave.

Mirror lyrics:

but don't hate her when she gets up to leave.
and retire to sheets safe and clean,
and radio wire,
she will feed you tomatoes
she is all you could need,
Two-headed boy,

God is a place you will wait for the rest of your life.
we'll wait for our miracle,
And when we break
God is a place where some holy spectacle lies.
we'll wait for our miracle,
And when we break

I'm still wanting my face on your cheek.
don't you take this away
make your smile sweet to see,
push the pieces in place
fell out through your teeth,
and you watched as your brains
and you left with your head filled with flames
Brother see we are one and the same,

and I'll love you for the rest of your life (when you're ready)
rings of flowers round your eyes
as your mouth moves in mine, soft and sweet,
And in my dreams you're alive and you're crying,

sounding only at night as you sleep.
wrapped in boxes so tight,
secret songs that you keep
in a struggle to find
how he'd love to find your tongue in his teeth
love to be with a brother of mine,
Blister, please, with those wings in your spine,

wrapped in sheets warm and wet.
like your boy used to be, long ago,
and love all you have left
that could lay as you sleep,
a child to your chest
for a lover to bring
in your heart there's a spark that just screams
Daddy, please hear this song that I sing,

Relevant Tags:
TTwo HHeaded BBoy PPart 22 wo eaded oy art wTo eHaded oBy aPrt 2 fwo jeaded voy 0art 3 fTwo jHeaded vBoy 0Part 32 Tfwo Hjeaded Bvoy P0art 23
5wo ueaded goy lart q 5Two uHeaded gBoy lPart q2 T5wo Hueaded Bgoy Plart 2q hwo neaded noy oart w hTwo nHeaded nBoy oPart w2 Thwo Hneaded Bnoy Poart 2w
ywo beaded hoy Paart 1 yTwo bHeaded hBoy Prt 12 Tywo Hbeaded Bhoy Prat 21 6wo geaded Booy Pzrt 6Two gHeaded By Pzart T6wo Hgeaded Byo Pazrt
gwo yeaded Bky Pqrt gTwo yHeaded Bkoy Pqart Tgwo Hyeaded Boky Paqrt rwo Heeaded B9y Psrt rTwo Haded B9oy Psart Trwo Haeded Bo9y Pasrt
Twwo Hsaded B0y Pwrt To Hseaded B0oy Pwart Tow Hesaded Bo0y Pawrt Tao H3aded Bly Pxrt Tawo H3eaded Bloy Pxart Twao He3aded Boly Paxrt
T3o Hfaded Biy Parrt T3wo Hfeaded Bioy Pat Tw3o Hefaded Boiy Patr Tdo Hraded Boyy Padt Tdwo Hreaded Bo Padrt Twdo Heraded Boy Pardt
Teo H4aded Bog Pa4t Tewo H4eaded Bogy Pa4rt Tweo He4aded Boyg Par4t Tso Hdaded Boh Pagt Tswo Hdeaded Bohy Pagrt Twso Hedaded Boyh Pargt
T2o Hwaded Bo6 Patt T2wo Hweaded Bo6y Patrt Tw2o Hewaded Boy6 Partt Tqo Heaaded Bou Pa5t Tqwo Heded Bouy Pa5rt Twqo Hedaed Boyu Par5t
Twoo Hezded Bo7 Paft Tw Hezaded Bo7y Pafrt Two Heazded Boy7 Parft Twk Heqded Boj Paet Twko Heqaded Bojy Paert Twok Heaqded Boyj Paret
Tw9 Hesded Bot Tw9o Boty Par Two9 Heasded Boyt Part Tw0 Hewded Parf

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