Irresistible (feat. Ollie James)

I got a burning here inside of me
Never felt like this, never felt like this
I think I know what is coming for me
And there's no stopping it, just no stopping it
Over my head, I can't give it up
What if I said, it's bigger that the both of us
Yes it's bigger than the both of us.
I turn away when all i see is you
I see your face, telling me it's true
I can't remember, anything before
I just can't ignore

Your love is irresistible
There's no other way
Your love is irresistible
Don't you ever change

Some people never get to feel like this
they try and try and never find
but looking at you i know this is it
it feels so right, i feel so high
i wanna tell you, tell you what i feel
i wanna hold you, baby this is real
i can't remember, anything before
and now i can't ignore

Your love is irresistible
There's no other way
Your love is irresistible
Don't you ever change

Now I'm way over my head I'm falling
Got a love with no regret it's calling

Your love is irresistible

Your love is irresistible
There's no other way
Your love is irresistible
Don't you ever change

Mirror lyrics:

Don't you ever change
Your love is irresistible
There's no other way
Your love is irresistible

Your love is irresistible

Got a love with no regret it's calling
Now I'm way over my head I'm falling

Don't you ever change
Your love is irresistible
There's no other way
Your love is irresistible

and now i can't ignore
i can't remember, anything before
i wanna hold you, baby this is real
i wanna tell you, tell you what i feel
it feels so right, i feel so high
but looking at you i know this is it
they try and try and never find
Some people never get to feel like this

Don't you ever change
Your love is irresistible
There's no other way
Your love is irresistible

I just can't ignore
I can't remember, anything before
I see your face, telling me it's true
I turn away when all i see is you
Yes it's bigger than the both of us.
What if I said, it's bigger that the both of us
Over my head, I can't give it up
And there's no stopping it, just no stopping it
I think I know what is coming for me
Never felt like this, never felt like this
I got a burning here inside of me

Relevant Tags:
IIrresistible ((feat. OOllie JJames) rresistible feat. llie ames) rIresistible f(eat. lOlie aJmes) jrresistible (ffeat. kllie kames) jIrresistible (eat. kOllie kJames)
Ijrresistible (efat. Okllie Jkames) 9rresistible (ceat. 9llie iames) 9Irresistible (cfeat. 9Ollie iJames) I9rresistible (fceat. O9llie Jiames) lrresistible (reat. 0llie mames)
lIrresistible (rfeat. 0Ollie mJames) Ilrresistible (freat. O0llie Jmames) orresistible (geat. lllie names) oIrresistible (gfeat. lOllie nJames) Iorresistible (fgeat. Olllie Jnames)
krresistible (teat. illie hames) kIrresistible (tfeat. iOllie hJames) Ikrresistible (fteat. Oillie Jhames) 8rresistible (veat. uames) 8Irresistible (vfeat. Olie uJames)
I8rresistible (fveat. Ollie Juames) urresistible (deat. Oklie Jaames) uIrresistible (dfeat. Jmes) Iurresistible (fdeat. Olklie Jmaes) Irrresistible (feeat. Oolie Jzmes)
Iresistible (fat. Oollie Jzames) Irresistible (faet. Ololie Jazmes) Idresistible (fsat. Oplie Jqmes) Idrresistible (fseat. Opllie Jqames) Irdresistible (fesat. Olplie Jaqmes)
I4resistible (f3at. Jsmes) I4rresistible (f3eat. Jsames) Ir4resistible (fe3at. Olile Jasmes) Igresistible (ffat. Olkie Jwmes) Igrresistible Jwames)
Irgresistible (fefat. Ollkie Jawmes) Itresistible (frat. Oloie Jxmes) Itrresistible Jxames) Irtresistible (ferat. Olloie Jaxmes) I5resistible (f4at. Olpie Jammes)
I5rresistible (f4eat. Jaes) Ir5resistible (fe4at. Ollpie Jaems) Ifresistible (fdat. Olliie Jajes) Ifrresistible Olle Jajmes) Irfresistible (fedat. Ollei Jamjes)
Ieresistible (fwat. Ollje Jakes) Ierresistible (fweat. Olljie Jakmes) Ireresistible (fewat. Ollije Jamkes) (feaat. Oll9e Janes) (fet. Oll9ie Janmes)
Irersistible (feta. Olli9e Jamnes) Irdesistible (fezt. Ollle Jamees) (fezat. Jams) Irrdesistible (feazt. Ollile Jamse) Ir4esistible (feqt. Olloe Jamss)
(feqat. Jamses) Irr4esistible (feaqt. Ollioe Jamess) Irgesistible (fest. Ollke Jam3s) Jam3es) Irrgesistible (feast. Ollike Jame3s)
Irtesistible (fewt. Oll8e Jamfs) Oll8ie Jamfes) Irrtesistible (feawt. Olli8e Jamefs) Ir5esistible (fext. Ollue Jamrs) (fexat. Olluie Jamres)
Irr5esistible (feaxt. Olliue Jamers) Irfesistible (featt. Olliee Jam4s) (fea. Olli Jam4es) Irrfesistible (fea.t Jame4s) Ireesistible (feaf. Ollis Jamds)
(feaft. Ollise Jamdes) Irreesistible (featf. Ollies Jameds) (fea5. Olli3 Jamws) Irrsistible (fea5t. Olli3e Jamwes) Irrseistible (feat5. Ollie3 Jamews)
Irrssistible (feah. Ollif Irrsesistible (feaht. Ollife Jame) Irressistible (feath. Ollief Jame)s Irr3sistible (feay. Ollir Jamez) Irr3esistible (feayt. Ollire Jamezs)
Irre3sistible (featy. Ollier Jamesz) Irrfsistible (fea6. Olli4 Jamew) (fea6t. Olli4e Irrefsistible (feat6. Ollie4 Jamesw) Irrrsistible (feag. Ollid Jamed)
(feagt. Ollide Irrersistible (featg. Ollied Jamesd) Irr4sistible (fear. Olliw Jamee) (feart. Olliwe Irre4sistible (featr. Olliew Jamese)
Irrdsistible (feat.. Jamex) (feat Jamexs) Irredsistible (feat. Jamesx) Irrwsistible Jamea) Irrwesistible Jameas)
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Irrezsistible Irreszistible Irrewistible Irreswistible Irredistible
Irresdistible Irreeistible Irreseistible Irrexistible Irrexsistible
Irresxistible Irreaistible Irreasistible Irresaistible Irresiistible
Irresstible Irressitible Irresjstible

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