Nerve Agents
Carpe Diem

I've spent 27 years chasing dream after dream
some attained, some remain
So I'll keep on in that direction
Don't try to hold me back, or route me to another track
These dreams are what I live for, Not slaving to retire SEIZE THE DAY
Paychecks are your bliss, to me that's sick and twisted
Your thoughts are of regret, all day long you are depressed
My drive in life comes from the fear of mediocrity
Not slaving with the herd, running blind and aimless

Mirror lyrics:

Not slaving with the herd, running blind and aimless
My drive in life comes from the fear of mediocrity
Your thoughts are of regret, all day long you are depressed
Paychecks are your bliss, to me that's sick and twisted
These dreams are what I live for, Not slaving to retire SEIZE THE DAY
Don't try to hold me back, or route me to another track
So I'll keep on in that direction
some attained, some remain
I've spent 27 years chasing dream after dream

Relevant Tags:
CCarpe DDiem arpe iem aCrpe iDem farpe xiem fCarpe xDiem Cfarpe Dxiem xarpe eiem xCarpe eDiem Cxarpe Deiem varpe fiem vCarpe fDiem
Cvarpe Dfiem darpe riem dCarpe rDiem Cdarpe Driem Caarpe ciem Crpe cDiem Crape Dciem Czrpe siem Czarpe sDiem Cazrpe Dsiem Cqrpe Diiem
Cqarpe Dem Caqrpe Deim Csrpe Djem Csarpe Djiem Casrpe Dijem Cwrpe D9em Cwarpe D9iem Cawrpe Di9em Cxrpe Dlem Dliem Caxrpe Dilem
Carrpe Doem Cape Doiem Capre Dioem Cadpe Dkem Cadrpe Dkiem Cardpe Dikem Ca4pe D8em Ca4rpe D8iem Car4pe Di8em Cagpe Duem Cagrpe Duiem
Cargpe Diuem Catpe Dieem

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