Nerve Agents
But I Might Die Tonight

Don't want, work away
Doin' just what they all say
"Work hard, boy, you'll find
One day you'll have a job like mine"

'Cause I know for sure
Nobody could be that poor
Say yes or sink low
Because you have to say so
Say so, you say so

I don't want to work away
Doin' just what they all say
"Work hard, boy, you'll find
One day you'll have a job like mine
Job like mine, a job like mine"

"Be wise, look ahead
Use your eyes", he said
"Be straight, think right
But I might die tonight"

I might die tonight
Die tonight, die tonight
Die tonight, die tonight
Die tonight, die tonight

Mirror lyrics:

Die tonight, die tonight
Die tonight, die tonight
Die tonight, die tonight
I might die tonight

But I might die tonight"
"Be straight, think right
Use your eyes", he said
"Be wise, look ahead

Job like mine, a job like mine"
One day you'll have a job like mine
"Work hard, boy, you'll find
Doin' just what they all say
I don't want to work away

Say so, you say so
Because you have to say so
Say yes or sink low
Nobody could be that poor
'Cause I know for sure

One day you'll have a job like mine"
"Work hard, boy, you'll find
Doin' just what they all say
Don't want, work away

Relevant Tags:
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hut o Miight rie yonight hBut oI Mght rDie yTonight Bhut Io Mgiht Drie Tyonight Buut k Mjght cie 6onight Bt kI cDie 6Tonight Btu Ik Mijght Dcie T6onight
Bht 8 M9ght sie gonight 8I M9ight sDie gTonight Buht I8 Mi9ght Dsie Tgonight B7t u Mlght Diie ronight B7ut uI Mlight De rTonight Bu7t Iu Milght Dei Tronight
Bkt Moght Dje Toonight Bkut Moight Djie Tnight Bukt Mioght Dije Tnoight Bit Mkght D9e Tknight Biut D9ie Tkonight Buit Mikght Di9e Toknight
B8t M8ght Dle T9night B8ut M8ight Dlie T9onight Bu8t Mi8ght Dile To9night Bjt Mught Doe T0night Bjut Muight Doie T0onight Bujt Miught Dioe To0night
Byt Migght Dke Tlnight Byut Miht Dkie Tlonight Buyt Mihgt Dike Tolnight Butt Mihht D8e Tinight Bu Mihght D8ie Tionight But Mighht Di8e Toinight
Buf Miyht Due Tonnight Buft Miyght Duie Toight Butf Migyht Diue Toinght Bu5 Mibht Diee Tomight Bu5t Mibght Di Tomnight But5 Migbht Die Tonmight
Buh Mivht Dis Tohight Mivght Dise Tohnight Buth Migvht Dies Tonhight Buy Mifht Di3 Tojight Mifght Di3e Tojnight Buty Migfht Die3 Tonjight
Bu6 Mitht Dif Tobight Bu6t Mitght Dife Tobnight But6 Migtht Dief Tonbight Bug Dir Toniight Bugt Migt Dire Tonght Butg Migth Dier Tongiht
Bur Migjt Di4 Tonjght Burt Migjht Di4e Butr Mighjt Die4 Tonijght Migut Did Ton9ght Miguht Dide Ton9ight Mighut Died Toni9ght
Mignt Diw Tonlght Mignht Diwe Tonlight Mighnt Diew Tonilght Migbt Tonoght

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