Pete Francis

i've been dreaming of wearing my red crown
strutting all over this town
maybe my eyes been telling me lies
but mama these diamonds shine so bright

it's a long way from here
fear never seemed so clear

julie was losing her head on that boy, oh my
lucy, she's lucky she was so coy
now i'm running incoming like a fireplane
i shuffle my muscles through the empty rain

days without shadows the sun does not rise
a repetition of men and flies
blue-lit runway has slipped away
unsteady room, light begins to play

it's a long way from here
fear never seemed so clear

julie was losing her head on that boy, oh my
lucy, she's lucky she was so coy
now i'm running incoming like a fireplane
i shuffle my muscles through the empty rain

Mirror lyrics:

i shuffle my muscles through the empty rain
now i'm running incoming like a fireplane
lucy, she's lucky she was so coy
julie was losing her head on that boy, oh my

fear never seemed so clear
it's a long way from here

unsteady room, light begins to play
blue-lit runway has slipped away
a repetition of men and flies
days without shadows the sun does not rise

i shuffle my muscles through the empty rain
now i'm running incoming like a fireplane
lucy, she's lucky she was so coy
julie was losing her head on that boy, oh my

fear never seemed so clear
it's a long way from here

but mama these diamonds shine so bright
maybe my eyes been telling me lies
strutting all over this town
i've been dreaming of wearing my red crown

Relevant Tags:
JJulie ulie uJlie kulie kJulie Jkulie iulie iJulie Jiulie mulie mJulie
Jmulie nulie nJulie Jnulie hulie hJulie Jhulie uulie uJulie Juulie Jlie
Jluie Jhlie Juhlie J7lie J7ulie Ju7lie Jklie Juklie Jilie Juilie J8lie
J8ulie Ju8lie Jjlie Jjulie Jujlie Jylie Jyulie Juylie Jullie Juie Juile

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