Peter Gabriel
Father, Son

Father, son
Locked as one
In this empty room
Spine against spine
Yours against mine
Till the warmth comes through

Remember the breakwaters down by the waves
I first found my courage
Knowing daddy could save
I could hold back the tide
With my dad by my side

Dogs, plows and bows
We move through each pose
Struggling in our seperate ways
Mantras and hymns
Unfolding limbs
Looking for release through the pain

And the yogi's eyes are open
Looking up above
He too is dreaming of his daddy's love
With his dad by his side
Got his dad by his side

Can you recall
How you took me to school
We couldn't talk much at all
It's been so many years
And now these tears
Guess I'm still your child

Out on the moors
We take a pause
See how far we have come
You're moving quite slow
How far can we go
Father and son

With my dad by my side
With my dad by my side
Got my dad by my side
With me

Mirror lyrics:

With me
Got my dad by my side
With my dad by my side
With my dad by my side

Father and son
How far can we go
You're moving quite slow
See how far we have come
We take a pause
Out on the moors

Guess I'm still your child
And now these tears
It's been so many years
We couldn't talk much at all
How you took me to school
Can you recall

Got his dad by his side
With his dad by his side
He too is dreaming of his daddy's love
Looking up above
And the yogi's eyes are open

Looking for release through the pain
Unfolding limbs
Mantras and hymns
Struggling in our seperate ways
We move through each pose
Dogs, plows and bows

With my dad by my side
I could hold back the tide
Knowing daddy could save
I first found my courage
Remember the breakwaters down by the waves

Till the warmth comes through
Yours against mine
Spine against spine
In this empty room
Locked as one
Father, son

Relevant Tags:
FFather, SSon ather, on aFther, oSn cather, zon cFather, zSon Fcather, Szon rather, won rFather, wSon Frather, Swon gather, don
gFather, dSon Fgather, Sdon tather, eon tFather, eSon Ftather, Seon vather, xon vFather, xSon Fvather, Sxon dather, aon dFather, aSon
Fdather, Saon Faather, Soon Fther, Sn Ftaher, Sno Fzther, Skn Fzather, Skon Fazther, Sokn Fqther, S9n Fqather, S9on Faqther, So9n
Fsther, S0n Fsather, S0on Fasther, So0n Fwther, Sln Fwather, Slon Fawther, Soln Fxther, Sin Fxather, Sion Faxther, Soin Fatther, Sonn
Faher, So Fahter, Son Fafher, Som Fafther, Somn Fatfher, Sonm Fa5her, Soh Fa5ther, Sohn Fat5her, Sonh Fahher, Soj Fahther, Sojn
Fathher, Sonj Fayher, Sob Fayther, Sobn Fatyher, Sonb Fa6her, Fa6ther, Fat6her, Fagher, Fagther, Fatgher,
Farher, Farther, Fatrher,

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