Peter Gabriel
Flotsam And Jetsam

Doing nothing stuck in the mud
Just pumping the blood
The water level's getting low
Something ugly's going to show

If I could only touch you
I guess you'd be alarmed
If only I could touch you
I don't mean you no harm

If only I could touch you
like the wind can touch the sail
If only I could touch you, darling
now that words have failed
Oh, Flotsam still afloat
Oh, Jetsam thrown out of the boat

Oh love, my love
nothing here is what it seems

We both know it
Christ! you show it
Oh, oh my love

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, oh my love
Christ! you show it
We both know it

nothing here is what it seems
Oh love, my love

Oh, Jetsam thrown out of the boat
Oh, Flotsam still afloat
now that words have failed
If only I could touch you, darling
like the wind can touch the sail
If only I could touch you

I don't mean you no harm
If only I could touch you
I guess you'd be alarmed
If I could only touch you

Something ugly's going to show
The water level's getting low
Just pumping the blood
Doing nothing stuck in the mud

Relevant Tags:
FFlotsam AAnd JJetsam lotsam nd etsam lFotsam nAd eJtsam clotsam znd ketsam cFlotsam zAnd kJetsam Fclotsam Aznd Jketsam
rlotsam qnd ietsam rFlotsam qAnd iJetsam Frlotsam Aqnd Jietsam glotsam snd metsam gFlotsam sAnd mJetsam Fglotsam Asnd Jmetsam
tlotsam wnd netsam tFlotsam wAnd nJetsam Ftlotsam Awnd Jnetsam vlotsam xnd hetsam vFlotsam xAnd hJetsam Fvlotsam Axnd Jhetsam
dlotsam Annd uetsam dFlotsam Ad uJetsam Fdlotsam Adn Juetsam Fllotsam Amd Jeetsam Fotsam Amnd Jtsam Foltsam Anmd Jtesam
Fkotsam Ahd Jstsam Fklotsam Ahnd Jsetsam Flkotsam Anhd Jestsam Footsam Ajd J3tsam Folotsam Ajnd J3etsam Flootsam Anjd Je3tsam
Fpotsam Abd Jftsam Fplotsam Abnd Jfetsam Flpotsam Anbd Jeftsam Andd Jrtsam Fltsam An Jretsam Fltosam And Jertsam
Flktsam Anx J4tsam Anxd J4etsam Floktsam Andx Je4tsam Fl9tsam Ane Jdtsam Fl9otsam Aned Jdetsam Flo9tsam Ande Jedtsam
Fl0tsam Anf Jwtsam Fl0otsam Anfd Jwetsam Flo0tsam Andf Jewtsam Flltsam Anr Jettsam Anrd Jesam Floltsam Andr Jestam
Flitsam Anc Jefsam Fliotsam Ancd Floitsam Andc Jetfsam Flottsam Ans Je5sam Flosam Ansd Je5tsam Flostam Ands Jet5sam
Flofsam Jehsam Floftsam Jehtsam Flotfsam Jethsam Flo5sam Jeysam Flo5tsam Jeytsam

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