Peter Frampton
Waiting For Your Love

I could feel your soul was hurting
I could see it in your eyes
And you tried so hard to fool me
You don't live in paradise
But I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
I will be there when you call believe what I say
I'll give you my hand should you fall please don't turn away
If you find yourself out in the cold
I'll always be here -- waiting for your love
It's the time for starting over
Hard to leave so much behind
Put your faith in all you dreamed of
Losing you would be such a crime
And I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
Sometimes it won't always be that easy
Hold on -- together we can work it out

Mirror lyrics:

Hold on -- together we can work it out
Sometimes it won't always be that easy
And I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
Losing you would be such a crime
Put your faith in all you dreamed of
Hard to leave so much behind
It's the time for starting over
I'll always be here -- waiting for your love
If you find yourself out in the cold
I'll give you my hand should you fall please don't turn away
I will be there when you call believe what I say
But I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
You don't live in paradise
And you tried so hard to fool me
I could see it in your eyes
I could feel your soul was hurting

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting FFor YYour LLove aiting or our ove aWiting oFr oYur oLve aaiting cor gour kove aWaiting cFor gYour kLove Waaiting Fcor Ygour Lkove
3aiting ror hour oove 3Waiting rFor hYour oLove W3aiting Fror Yhour Loove daiting gor 6our pove dWaiting gFor 6Your pLove Wdaiting Fgor Y6our Lpove
eaiting tor uour eWaiting tFor uYour Lve Weaiting Ftor Yuour Lvoe saiting vor 7our Lkve sWaiting vFor 7Your Wsaiting Fvor Y7our Lokve
2aiting dor jour L9ve 2Waiting dFor jYour L9ove W2aiting Fdor Yjour Lo9ve qaiting Foor tour L0ve qWaiting Fr tYour L0ove Wqaiting Fro Ytour Lo0ve
Fkr Yoour Llve Witing Fkor Yur Llove Wiating Fokr Yuor Lolve Wziting F9r Ykur Live Wzaiting F9or Ykour Liove Waziting Fo9r Yokur Loive
Wqiting F0r Y9ur Lovve F0or Y9our Loe Waqiting Fo0r Yo9ur Loev Wsiting Flr Y0ur Lobe Flor Y0our Lobve Wasiting Folr Yo0ur Lovbe
Wwiting Fir Ylur Loce Wwaiting Fior Ylour Locve Wawiting Foir Yolur Lovce Wxiting Forr Yiur Loge Wxaiting Fo Yiour Logve Waxiting For Yoiur Lovge
Waiiting Fod Youur Lofe Wating Fodr Yor Lofve Watiing Ford Yoru Lovfe Wajting Fo4 Yohr Lovee Wajiting Fo4r Yohur Lov Waijting For4 Youhr Love
Wa9ting Fog Yo7r Lovs Wa9iting Fogr Yo7ur Lovse Wai9ting Forg You7r Loves Walting Fot Yokr Lov3 Waliting Fotr Lov3e Wailting Fort Youkr Love3
Waoting Fo5 Yoir Lovf Waoiting Fo5r Waioting For5 Youir Lovef Wakting Fof Yo8r Lovr Wakiting Fofr Yo8ur Lovre Waikting Forf You8r Lover
Wa8ting Foe Yojr Lov4 Wa8iting Foer Yojur Lov4e Wai8ting Fore Youjr Love4 Wauting Yoyr Lovd Wauiting Yoyur Lovde Waiuting Youyr Loved
Waitting Yourr Lovw Waiing You Lovwe Waiitng Your Lovew Waifing Youd Waifting Youdr Waitfing Yourd

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