Peter Frampton
Changing All The Time

You're doing what you think is right
Yeah, like it's black and white
Then you're not so sure
'Cause everything's changing all the time

You're digging deep inside
In me you can always confide
You have to trust in yourself
'Cause everything's changing all the time
When in your darkest days
You are the light that shines the way
....Gotta leave it all behind
'Cause everything's changing all the time

When you're put to the test
And you need some tenderness
Don't let yesterday haunt you
'Cause everything's changing all the time
'Cause everything's changing all the time

When things don't seem to go as planned
And your hopes seem out of reach
Don't let your fears surround you
You can't give up now
And loose what's inside you

Mirror lyrics:

And loose what's inside you
You can't give up now
Don't let your fears surround you
And your hopes seem out of reach
When things don't seem to go as planned

'Cause everything's changing all the time
'Cause everything's changing all the time
Don't let yesterday haunt you
And you need some tenderness
When you're put to the test

'Cause everything's changing all the time
....Gotta leave it all behind
You are the light that shines the way
When in your darkest days
'Cause everything's changing all the time
You have to trust in yourself
In me you can always confide
You're digging deep inside

'Cause everything's changing all the time
Then you're not so sure
Yeah, like it's black and white
You're doing what you think is right

Relevant Tags:
CChanging AAll TThe TTime hanging ll he ime hCanging lAl hTe iTme fhanging zll fhe fime fChanging zAll fThe fTime Cfhanging Azll Tfhe Tfime
xhanging qll 5he 5ime xChanging qAll 5The 5Time Cxhanging Aqll T5he T5ime vhanging sll hhe hime vChanging sAll hThe hTime Cvhanging Asll Thhe Thime
dhanging wll yhe yime dChanging wAll yThe yTime Cdhanging Awll Tyhe Tyime Chhanging xll 6he 6ime Canging xAll 6The 6Time Cahnging Axll T6he T6ime
Cjanging Alll ghe gime Cjhanging Al gThe gTime Chjanging All Tghe Tgime Cuanging Akl rhe rime Cuhanging Akll rThe rTime Chuanging Alkl Trhe Trime
Cnanging Aol Tiime Cnhanging Aoll Te Tme Chnanging Alol Teh Tmie Cbanging Apl Tje Tjme Cbhanging Apll Tjhe Tjime Chbanging Alpl Thje Tijme
Cganging Tue T9me Cghanging Tuhe T9ime Chganging Thue Ti9me Cyanging Alk Tne Tlme Cyhanging Tnhe Tlime Chyanging Allk Thne Tilme
Chaanging Alo Tbe Tome Chnging Tbhe Toime Chnaging Allo Thbe Tiome Chznging Alp Tge Tkme Chzanging Tkime Chaznging Allp Thge Tikme
Chqnging Tye T8me Chqanging T8ime Chaqnging Thye Ti8me Chsnging Thee Tume Chsanging Th Tuime Chasnging The Tiume
Chwnging Ths Timme Chwanging Thse Tie Chawnging Thes Tiem Chxnging Th3 Tije Chxanging Th3e Chaxnging The3 Timje
Channging Thf Tike Chaging Thfe Chagning Thef Timke Chamging Thr Tine Chamnging Thre Tinme Chanmging Ther Timne
Chahging Th4 Timee Chahnging Th4e Tim Chanhging The4 Time Chajging Thd Tims Chajnging Thde Timse Chanjging Thed Times
Chabging Thw Tim3 Chabnging Thwe Tim3e Chanbging Thew Time3 Changging Timf Chaning Timfe Chanigng Timef
Chanhing Timr

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