Peter Frampton
(putting My) Heart On The Line

I could feel your soul was hurting
I could see it in your eyes
And you tried so hard to fool me
You don't live in paradise
But I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
I will be there when you call believe what I say
I'll give you my hand should you fall please don't turn away
If you find yourself out in the cold
I'll always be here -- waiting for your love
It's the time for starting over
Hard to leave so much behind
Put your faith in all you dreamed of
Losing you would be such a crime
And I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
Sometimes it won't always be that easy
Hold on -- together we can work it out

Mirror lyrics:

Hold on -- together we can work it out
Sometimes it won't always be that easy
And I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
Losing you would be such a crime
Put your faith in all you dreamed of
Hard to leave so much behind
It's the time for starting over
I'll always be here -- waiting for your love
If you find yourself out in the cold
I'll give you my hand should you fall please don't turn away
I will be there when you call believe what I say
But I, I'll try, try to find the way to show you
You don't live in paradise
And you tried so hard to fool me
I could see it in your eyes
I could feel your soul was hurting

Relevant Tags:
((putting MMy) HHeart OOn TThe LLine putting y) eart n he ine p(utting yM) eHart nO hTe iLne (pputting jy) jeart kn fhe kine (utting jMy) jHeart kOn fThe kLine
(uptting Mjy) Hjeart Okn Tfhe Lkine (0utting ky) ueart 9n 5he oine (0putting kMy) uHeart 9On 5The oLine (p0utting Mky) Hueart O9n T5he Loine (lutting ny) neart 0n hhe pine
(lputting nMy) nHeart 0On hThe pLine (plutting Mny) Hneart O0n Thhe Lpine (outting Myy) beart ln yhe Liine (oputting M) bHeart lOn yThe Lne (poutting M)y Hbeart Oln Tyhe Lnie
(puutting Mg) geart in 6he Ljne (ptting Mgy) gHeart iOn 6The Ljine (ptuting Myg) Hgeart Oin T6he Lijne (phtting Mh) yeart Onn ghe L9ne (phutting Mhy) yHeart O gThe L9ine
(puhtting Myh) Hyeart On Tghe Li9ne (p7tting M6) Heeart Om rhe Llne (p7utting M6y) Hart Omn rThe Lline (pu7tting My6) Haert Onm Trhe Lilne (pktting Mu) Hsart Oh Lone
(pkutting Muy) Hseart Ohn Te (puktting Myu) Hesart Onh Teh Lione (pitting M7) H3art Oj Tje Lkne (piutting M7y) H3eart Ojn Tjhe (puitting My7) He3art Onj Thje Likne
(p8tting Mj) Hfart Ob Tue L8ne (p8utting Hfeart Obn Tuhe L8ine (pu8tting Myj) Hefart Onb Thue Li8ne (pjtting Mt) Hrart Tne Lune (pjutting Mty) Hreart Tnhe Luine
(pujtting Myt) Herart Thne Liune (pytting My)) H4art Tbe Linne (pyutting My H4eart Tbhe Lie (puytting My) He4art Thbe Lien (puttting Hdart Tge Lime
(puting Hdeart Limne (putting Hedart Thge Linme (pufting Hwart Tye Lihe (puftting Hweart Lihne (putfting Hewart Thye Linhe
(pu5ting Heaart Thee Lije (pu5tting Hert Th (put5ting Herat The Linje (puhting Hezrt Ths Libe Hezart Thse Libne
(puthting Heazrt Thes Linbe (puyting Heqrt Th3 Linee Heqart Th3e Lin (putyting Heaqrt The3 Line (pu6ting Hesrt Thf Lins
(pu6tting Thfe Linse (put6ting Heasrt Thef Lines (pugting Hewrt Thr Lin3 (pugtting Thre Lin3e (putgting Heawrt Ther Line3
(purting Hexrt Th4 Linf (purtting Hexart Th4e Linfe (putrting Heaxrt The4 Linef Hearrt Thd Linr Heat Thde Linre
(putitng Heatr Thed Liner

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