Peter Frampton
Apple Of Your Eyes

Maybe take just one more look around
When you need a friend
To go on the ground
You must fend for yourself
Till you win, win the race
Then you laugh in their face
Swear me in, I'll testify
I'll be the apple of your eye

When you count the million eyes on you
And they're waiting just for what you do
Don't believe all that you read
Caught the news
Like some bad fitting shoes
Hurts when you laugh
As you're singing in the back

You can't pretend that your fortune won't end
You can't believe that you got all you need by your side
When it comes down to your own peace of mind
Lose everything including your pride
And still survive

Maybe take just one more look around
When you need a friend
To go on the ground
You must fend for yourself
Till you win, win the race
Then you can laugh in their face
I'll testify
I'll be the apple of your eye

Mirror lyrics:

I'll be the apple of your eye
I'll testify
Then you can laugh in their face
Till you win, win the race
You must fend for yourself
To go on the ground
When you need a friend
Maybe take just one more look around

And still survive
Lose everything including your pride
When it comes down to your own peace of mind
You can't believe that you got all you need by your side
You can't pretend that your fortune won't end

As you're singing in the back
Hurts when you laugh
Like some bad fitting shoes
Caught the news
Don't believe all that you read
And they're waiting just for what you do
When you count the million eyes on you

I'll be the apple of your eye
Swear me in, I'll testify
Then you laugh in their face
Till you win, win the race
You must fend for yourself
To go on the ground
When you need a friend
Maybe take just one more look around

Relevant Tags:
AApple OOf YYour EEyes pple f our yes pAple fO oYur yEes zpple kf gour syes zApple kOf gYour sEyes Azpple Okf Ygour Esyes
qpple 9f hour 3yes qApple 9Of hYour 3Eyes Aqpple O9f Yhour E3yes spple 0f 6our fyes sApple 0Of 6Your fEyes Aspple O0f Y6our Efyes
wpple lf uour ryes wApple lOf uYour rEyes Awpple Olf Yuour Eryes xpple if 7our 4yes xApple iOf 7Your 4Eyes Axpple Oif Y7our E4yes
Appple Off jour dyes Aple O jYour dEyes Apple Of Yjour Edyes A0ple Oc tour wyes A0pple Ocf tYour wEyes Ap0ple Ofc Ytour Ewyes
Alple Or Yoour Eyyes Alpple Orf Yur Ees Aplple Ofr Yuor Eeys Aople Og Ykur Eges Aopple Ogf Ykour Egyes Apople Ofg Yokur Eyges
Ot Y9ur Ehes Otf Y9our Ehyes Aplpe Oft Yo9ur Eyhes Ap0le Ov Y0ur E6es Ovf Y0our E6yes App0le Ofv Yo0ur Ey6es
Aplle Od Ylur Eues Odf Ylour Euyes Applle Ofd Yolur Eyues Apole Yiur E7es Yiour E7yes Appole Yoiur Ey7es
Youur Ejes Appe Yor Ejyes Appel Yoru Eyjes

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