Peter Cetera
When There's No Tomorrow

Didn't want to face a long hot summer
Didn't want to spend another lonely night
Didn't want to stay until I met you
You could tell that we were made for each other
Something in the air and the time was right
Came into my life, oh, I can't forget you

I don't want to leave tomorrow
Yes I said it all inside of a letter
That I put in your hand when we walked in the sand
Don't you understand

I don't want to go where there's no tomorrow
You go your way, I'll go mine
Each one missing what they left behind
I don't wanna go where there's no tomorrow
Help me try to make a dream come true
I don't wanna leave if I can't be with you

Wouldn't ever change a thing for a minute
Seems the waters always deeper when you're in it
That's the way it goes
Not the way I planned it

I don't want to leave without you
I don't want to go if you won't follow
Told you once, tell you once again
I don't want this summer to ever end
Gonna be there when I can

Mirror lyrics:

Gonna be there when I can
I don't want this summer to ever end
Told you once, tell you once again
I don't want to go if you won't follow
I don't want to leave without you

Not the way I planned it
That's the way it goes
Seems the waters always deeper when you're in it
Wouldn't ever change a thing for a minute

I don't wanna leave if I can't be with you
Help me try to make a dream come true
I don't wanna go where there's no tomorrow
Each one missing what they left behind
You go your way, I'll go mine
I don't want to go where there's no tomorrow

Don't you understand
That I put in your hand when we walked in the sand
Yes I said it all inside of a letter
I don't want to leave tomorrow

Came into my life, oh, I can't forget you
Something in the air and the time was right
You could tell that we were made for each other
Didn't want to stay until I met you
Didn't want to spend another lonely night
Didn't want to face a long hot summer

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThere's NNo TTomorrow hen here's o omorrow hWen hTere's oN oTmorrow ahen fhere's mo fomorrow aWhen fThere's mNo fTomorrow Wahen Tfhere's Nmo Tfomorrow
3hen 5here's ho 5omorrow 3When 5There's hNo 5Tomorrow W3hen T5here's Nho T5omorrow dhen hhere's jo homorrow dWhen hThere's jNo hTomorrow Wdhen Thhere's Njo Thomorrow
ehen yhere's bo yomorrow eWhen yThere's bNo yTomorrow Wehen Tyhere's Nbo Tyomorrow shen 6here's Noo 6omorrow sWhen 6There's N 6Tomorrow Wshen T6here's No T6omorrow
2hen ghere's Nk gomorrow 2When gThere's Nko gTomorrow W2hen Tghere's Nok Tgomorrow qhen rhere's N9 romorrow qWhen rThere's N9o rTomorrow Wqhen Trhere's No9 Tromorrow
Whhen N0 Toomorrow Wen Tere's N0o Tmorrow Wehn Tehre's No0 Tmoorrow Wjen Tjere's Nl Tkmorrow Wjhen Tjhere's Nlo Tkomorrow Whjen Thjere's Nol Tokmorrow
Wuen Tuere's Ni T9morrow Wuhen Tuhere's Nio T9omorrow Whuen Thuere's Noi To9morrow Wnen Tnere's T0morrow Wnhen Tnhere's T0omorrow Whnen Thnere's To0morrow
Wben Tbere's Tlmorrow Wbhen Tbhere's Tlomorrow Whben Thbere's Tolmorrow Wgen Tgere's Timorrow Wghen Tiomorrow Whgen Thgere's Toimorrow
Wyen Tyere's Tommorrow Wyhen Toorrow Whyen Thyere's Toomrrow Wheen Theere's Tojorrow Whn Thre's Tojmorrow Whne Three's Tomjorrow
Whsn Thsre's Tokorrow Whsen Thsere's Whesn Thesre's Tomkorrow Wh3n Th3re's Tonorrow Wh3en Th3ere's Tonmorrow Whe3n The3re's Tomnorrow
Whfn Thfre's Tomoorrow Whfen Thfere's Tomrrow Whefn Thefre's Tomrorow Whrn Thrre's Tomkrrow Whren Threre's Whern Therre's Tomokrrow
Wh4n Th4re's Tom9rrow Wh4en Th4ere's Tom9orrow Whe4n The4re's Tomo9rrow Whdn Thdre's Tom0rrow Whden Thdere's Tom0orrow Whedn Thedre's Tomo0rrow
Whwn Thwre's Tomlrrow Whwen Thwere's Tomlorrow Whewn Thewre's Tomolrrow Whenn Tomirrow Whe Thee's Tomiorrow When Theer's Tomoirrow
Whem Thede's Tomorrrow Whemn Tomorow Whenm Therde's Tomorrow

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