Peter Cetera
Body Language (there In The Dark)

Moment by moment, day after day
Trying your best to forget
It's all behind you, it's part of the past
You've got no time for regrets
Time to start over with somebody new
You've got nothing more to lose
Out for the evening, dressed for the kill
Leaving your troubles behind
Dangerous places, dangerous times
Leave with the first one you find
Live for the moment, who cares if it's right
Who needs tomorrow, you've got tonight

There in the dark, under covers of love
Body language is taking you somewhere you shouldn't go
First name the last thing that you need to know

In the morning you're out on the street
Now's not the time for regrets
Some things are done for the thrill of it all
Some things you'll never forget
Live for the moment, who cares if it's right
Who needs tomorrow when you've got tonight

There in the dark, under covers of love
Body language is taking you somewhere you shouldn't go
First name the last thing that you need to know

Mirror lyrics:

First name the last thing that you need to know
Body language is taking you somewhere you shouldn't go
There in the dark, under covers of love

Who needs tomorrow when you've got tonight
Live for the moment, who cares if it's right
Some things you'll never forget
Some things are done for the thrill of it all
Now's not the time for regrets
In the morning you're out on the street

First name the last thing that you need to know
Body language is taking you somewhere you shouldn't go
There in the dark, under covers of love

Who needs tomorrow, you've got tonight
Live for the moment, who cares if it's right
Leave with the first one you find
Dangerous places, dangerous times
Leaving your troubles behind
Out for the evening, dressed for the kill
You've got nothing more to lose
Time to start over with somebody new
You've got no time for regrets
It's all behind you, it's part of the past
Trying your best to forget
Moment by moment, day after day

Relevant Tags:
BBody LLanguage ((there IIn TThe DDark) ody anguage there n he ark) oBdy aLnguage t(here nI hTe aDrk) vody kanguage (tthere jn fhe xark) vBody kLanguage (here jIn fThe xDark)
Bvody Lkanguage (htere Ijn Tfhe Dxark) gody oanguage (fhere 9n 5he eark) gBody oLanguage (fthere 9In 5The eDark) Bgody Loanguage (tfhere I9n T5he Deark) nody panguage (5here ln hhe fark)
nBody pLanguage (5there lIn hThe fDark) Bnody Lpanguage (t5here Iln Thhe Dfark) hody Laanguage (hhere on yhe rark) hBody Lnguage (hthere oIn yThe rDark) Bhody Lnaguage (thhere Ion Tyhe Drark)
Boody Lznguage (yhere kn 6he cark) Bdy Lzanguage (ythere kIn 6The cDark) Bdoy Laznguage (tyhere Ikn T6he Dcark) Bkdy Lqnguage (6here 8n ghe sark) Bkody Lqanguage (6there 8In gThe sDark)
Bokdy Laqnguage (t6here I8n Tghe Dsark) B9dy Lsnguage (ghere un rhe Daark) B9ody Lsanguage (gthere uIn rThe Drk) Bo9dy Lasnguage (tghere Iun Trhe Drak) B0dy Lwnguage (rhere Inn Dzrk)
B0ody Lwanguage (rthere I Te Dzark) Bo0dy Lawnguage (trhere In Teh Dazrk) Bldy Lxnguage Im Tje Dqrk) Blody Lxanguage (tere Imn Tjhe Dqark) Boldy Laxnguage (tehre Inm Thje Daqrk)
Bidy Lannguage (tjere Ih Tue Dsrk) Biody Laguage (tjhere Ihn Tuhe Boidy Lagnuage (thjere Inh Thue Dasrk) Boddy Lamguage (tuere Ij Tne Dwrk) Boy Lamnguage (tuhere Tnhe Dwark)
Boyd Lanmguage (thuere Inj Thne Dawrk) Boxy Lahguage (tnere Ib Tbe Dxrk) Boxdy Lahnguage (tnhere Ibn Tbhe Bodxy Lanhguage (thnere Inb Thbe Daxrk) Boey Lajguage (tbere Tge Darrk)
Boedy Lajnguage (tbhere Dak) Bodey Lanjguage (thbere Thge Dakr) Bofy Labguage (tgere Tye Dadk) Bofdy Labnguage Dadrk) Bodfy Lanbguage (thgere Thye Dardk)
Bory Langguage (tyere Thee Da4k) Bordy Lanuage Th Da4rk) Bodry Lanugage (thyere The Dar4k) Bocy Lanhuage (theere Ths Dagk) Bocdy (thre Thse Dagrk)
Bodcy Langhuage (three Thes Dargk) Bosy Lanyuage (thsre Th3 Datk) Bosdy Lanyguage (thsere Th3e Datrk) Bodsy Langyuage (thesre The3 Dartk) Bodyy Lanbuage (th3re Thf Da5k)
Bod (th3ere Thfe Da5rk) Body Langbuage (the3re Thef Dar5k) Bodg Lanvuage (thfre Thr Dafk) Bodgy Lanvguage (thfere Thre Dafrk) Bodyg Langvuage (thefre Ther Darfk)
Bodh Lanfuage (thrre Th4 Daek) Bodhy Lanfguage (threre Th4e Daerk) Bodyh Langfuage (therre The4 Darek) Bod6 Lantuage (th4re Thd Darkk) Bod6y Lantguage (th4ere Thde Dar)
Body6 Langtuage (the4re Thed Dar)k Bodu Languuage (thdre Thw Darl) Boduy Langage (thdere Thwe Darlk) Bodyu Langauge (thedre Thew Darkl) Bod7 Langhage (thwre Daro)
Bod7y (thwere Darok) Body7 Languhage (thewre Darko) Bodj Lang7age Darm) Bodjy Lang7uage (thee Darmk)

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