Peter Bradley Adams
So Are You To Me

As the music at the banquet
As the wine for the meal
As the firelight in the night
So are you to me

As the ruby in the setting
As the fruit upon the tree
As the wind blows over the plains
So are you to me

As the wind blows over the plains
So are you to me
So are you to me

Mirror lyrics:

So are you to me
So are you to me
As the wind blows over the plains

So are you to me
As the wind blows over the plains
As the fruit upon the tree
As the ruby in the setting

So are you to me
As the firelight in the night
As the wine for the meal
As the music at the banquet

Relevant Tags:
SSo AAre YYou TTo MMe o re ou o e oS rAe oYu oT eM zo zre gou fo je zSo zAre gYou fTo jMe Szo Azre Ygou Tfo Mje wo qre hou 5o ke
wSo qAre hYou 5To kMe Swo Aqre Yhou T5o Mke do sre 6ou ho ne dSo sAre 6You hTo nMe Sdo Asre Y6ou Tho Mne eo wre uou yo Mee eSo wAre uYou yTo M
Seo Awre Yuou Tyo Me xo xre 7ou 6o Ms xSo xAre 7You 6To Mse Sxo Axre Y7ou T6o Mes ao Arre jou go M3 aSo Ae jYou gTo M3e Sao Aer Yjou Tgo Me3
Soo Ade tou ro Mf S Adre tYou rTo Mfe So Arde Ytou Tro Mef Sk A4e Yoou Too Mr Sko A4re Yu T Mre Sok Ar4e Yuo To Mer S9 Age Yku Tk M4
S9o Agre Ykou Tko M4e So9 Arge Yoku Tok Me4 S0 Ate Y9u T9 Md S0o Atre Y9ou T9o Mde

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