Neko Case
Thanks A Lot

Thanks, thanks a lot
I got a broken heart
It's all i've got
You made me cry
Yeah, I cried a lot
I lost your love
Honey, thanks a lot

You told our friends
As I was passin' by
That you're not sorry
That you made me cry
You said I deserved
Just what I got
Well if that's how you feel, babe
Honey, thanks a lot

Thanks, thanks a lot
I got a broken heart
It's all i've got
You made me cry
Yeah, I cried a lot
I lost your love
Honey, thanks a lot

Well, you wanted a fool
And I played the part
Now all i've got
Is a broken heart
We loved a little
Yeah, we laughed a lot
When you were gone
Honey, thanks a lot

Thanks, thanks a lot
I got a broken heart
It's all i've got
You made me cry
Yeah, I cried a lot
I lost your love
Honey, thanks a lot

Mirror lyrics:

Honey, thanks a lot
I lost your love
Yeah, I cried a lot
You made me cry
It's all i've got
I got a broken heart
Thanks, thanks a lot

Honey, thanks a lot
When you were gone
Yeah, we laughed a lot
We loved a little
Is a broken heart
Now all i've got
And I played the part
Well, you wanted a fool

Honey, thanks a lot
I lost your love
Yeah, I cried a lot
You made me cry
It's all i've got
I got a broken heart
Thanks, thanks a lot

Honey, thanks a lot
Well if that's how you feel, babe
Just what I got
You said I deserved
That you made me cry
That you're not sorry
As I was passin' by
You told our friends

Honey, thanks a lot
I lost your love
Yeah, I cried a lot
You made me cry
It's all i've got
I got a broken heart
Thanks, thanks a lot

Relevant Tags:
TThanks AA LLot hanks ot hTanks A oLt fhanks z kot fThanks zA kLot Tfhanks Az Lkot 5hanks q oot 5Thanks qA oLot T5hanks Aq Loot
hhanks s pot hThanks sA pLot Thhanks As Lpot yhanks w yThanks wA Lt Tyhanks Aw Lto 6hanks x Lkt 6Thanks xA T6hanks Ax Lokt
ghanks L9t gThanks L9ot Tghanks Lo9t rhanks L0t rThanks L0ot Trhanks Lo0t Llt Tanks Llot Tahnks Lolt
Tjanks Lit Tjhanks Liot Thjanks Loit Tuanks Lott Tuhanks Lo Thuanks Lot Tnanks Lof Tnhanks Loft Thnanks Lotf
Tbanks Lo5 Tbhanks Lo5t Thbanks Lot5 Tganks Loh Loht Thganks Loth Tyanks Loy Loyt Thyanks Loty
Thaanks Lo6 Thnks Lo6t Thnaks Lot6 Thznks Log Thzanks Logt Thaznks Lotg Thqnks Lor Thqanks Lort Thaqnks Lotr
Thsnks Thsanks

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