Neil Young
Pictures In My Mind

Someone's hanging out,
We can't forget about.
Things that people do
when they're free.
Like visitors from space,
It's hard to find a place,
To blend in and go unrecognized.

I'm waiting for a sign,
I'm standing on the road,
My mind outstretched to you.
I'm picking something up,
I'm letting something go,
Like a dog I'm fetching
this for you.

Pictures in mind:
Rows of poppy fields,
Harmony entwined,
Changing gears that grind.
Pictures in my mind.

Pictures in my brain:
Electrical energy,
Fighting drugs with pain,
There's a war inside.
Pictures in my brain.

I'm looking for a job,
I don't know what I'm doing,
My software's
not compatible with you.
But this I can't deny,
I know that you can fly,
'Cause I'm here
on the ground without you.

Angel without wings,
Owner without things,
without rings around you.
The road we used to ride,
Together side by side
Has flowers pushing
through the dotted line.

Mirror lyrics:

through the dotted line.
Has flowers pushing
Together side by side
The road we used to ride,
without rings around you.
Owner without things,
Angel without wings,

on the ground without you.
'Cause I'm here
I know that you can fly,
But this I can't deny,
not compatible with you.
My software's
I don't know what I'm doing,
I'm looking for a job,

Pictures in my brain.
There's a war inside.
Fighting drugs with pain,
Electrical energy,
Pictures in my brain:

Pictures in my mind.
Changing gears that grind.
Harmony entwined,
Rows of poppy fields,
Pictures in mind:

this for you.
Like a dog I'm fetching
I'm letting something go,
I'm picking something up,
My mind outstretched to you.
I'm standing on the road,
I'm waiting for a sign,

To blend in and go unrecognized.
It's hard to find a place,
Like visitors from space,
when they're free.
Things that people do
We can't forget about.
Someone's hanging out,

Relevant Tags:
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