Neil Young
Only Love Can Break Your Heart

when you were young and
on your own
how did it feel to be alone?
i was always thinking
of games that i was playing
trying to make the best
of my time

but only love can break your heart
try to be true right from the start
yes nly love can break your heart
what if your world should fall apart

i have a friend ive never seen
he hides his head inside a dream
someone should call him and see if he can come out
try to lose the down that hes found

Mirror lyrics:

try to lose the down that hes found
someone should call him and see if he can come out
he hides his head inside a dream
i have a friend ive never seen

what if your world should fall apart
yes nly love can break your heart
try to be true right from the start
but only love can break your heart

of my time
trying to make the best
of games that i was playing
i was always thinking
how did it feel to be alone?
on your own
when you were young and

Relevant Tags:
OOnly LLove CCan BBreak YYour HHeart nly ove an reak our eart nOly oLve aCn rBeak oYur eHart knly kove fan vreak gour jeart kOnly kLove fCan vBreak gYour jHeart
Oknly Lkove Cfan Bvreak Ygour Hjeart 9nly oove xan greak hour ueart 9Only oLove xCan gBreak hYour uHeart O9nly Loove Cxan Bgreak Yhour Hueart 0nly pove van nreak 6our neart
0Only pLove vCan nBreak 6Your nHeart O0nly Lpove Cvan Bnreak Y6our Hneart lnly dan hreak uour beart lOnly Lve dCan hBreak uYour bHeart Olnly Lvoe Cdan Bhreak Yuour Hbeart
inly Lkve Caan Brreak 7our geart iOnly Cn Beak 7Your gHeart Oinly Lokve Cna Berak Y7our Hgeart Onnly L9ve Czn Bdeak jour yeart Oly L9ove Czan Bdreak jYour yHeart
Olny Lo9ve Cazn Brdeak Yjour Hyeart Omly L0ve Cqn B4eak tour Heeart Omnly L0ove Cqan B4reak tYour Hart Onmly Lo0ve Caqn Br4eak Ytour Haert Ohly Llve Csn Bgeak Yoour Hsart
Ohnly Llove Csan Yur Hseart Onhly Lolve Casn Brgeak Yuor Hesart Ojly Live Cwn Bteak Ykur H3art Ojnly Liove Cwan Btreak Ykour H3eart Onjly Loive Cawn Brteak Yokur He3art
Obly Lovve Cxn B5eak Y9ur Hfart Obnly Loe B5reak Y9our Hfeart Onbly Loev Caxn Br5eak Yo9ur Hefart Onlly Lobe Cann Bfeak Y0ur Hrart Ony Lobve Ca Bfreak Y0our Hreart
Onyl Lovbe Can Brfeak Yo0ur Herart Onky Loce Cam Beeak Ylur H4art Onkly Locve Camn Bereak Ylour H4eart Onlky Lovce Canm Breeak Yolur He4art Onoy Loge Cah Yiur Hdart
Onoly Logve Cahn Brak Yiour Hdeart Onloy Lovge Canh Braek Yoiur Hedart Onpy Lofe Caj Brsak Youur Hwart Onply Lofve Cajn Brseak Yor Hweart Onlpy Lovfe Canj Bresak Yoru Hewart
Onlyy Lovee Cab Br3ak Yohr Heaart Onl Lov Cabn Br3eak Yohur Hert Only Love Canb Bre3ak Youhr Herat Onlg Lovs Brfak Yo7r Hezrt Onlgy Lovse Yo7ur Hezart
Onlyg Loves Brefak You7r Heazrt Onlh Lov3 Brrak Yokr Heqrt

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