Neil Young
Live To Ride

Live to ride,
ride my dream machine
Good conditions
sometime are extreme
Running from the daily grind
He was, he was a friend of mine
Gonna take a long, long time
But the stain will fade away
Running from the daily grind
He was, he was a friend of mine.

Live to ride,
ride in the lonesome wind
Cross the line,
you can't come back again
Never let a dream machine
Gather dust in your garage
Gonna take a long, long time
But the stain will fade away
Running from the daily grind
He was, he was a friend of mine.

Gonna take a long, long time
But the stain will fade away
Running from the daily grind
He was, he was a friend of mine.

Live to ride,
ride my dream machine.

Mirror lyrics:

ride my dream machine.
Live to ride,

He was, he was a friend of mine.
Running from the daily grind
But the stain will fade away
Gonna take a long, long time

He was, he was a friend of mine.
Running from the daily grind
But the stain will fade away
Gonna take a long, long time
Gather dust in your garage
Never let a dream machine
you can't come back again
Cross the line,
ride in the lonesome wind
Live to ride,

He was, he was a friend of mine.
Running from the daily grind
But the stain will fade away
Gonna take a long, long time
He was, he was a friend of mine
Running from the daily grind
sometime are extreme
Good conditions
ride my dream machine
Live to ride,

Relevant Tags:
LLive TTo RRide ive o ide iLve oT iRde kive fo dide kLive fTo dRide Lkive Tfo Rdide oive 5o 4ide oLive 5To 4Ride Loive T5o R4ide
pive ho gide pLive hTo gRide Lpive Tho Rgide Liive yo tide Lve yTo tRide Lvie Tyo Rtide Ljve 6o 5ide Ljive 6To 5Ride Lijve T6o R5ide
L9ve go fide L9ive gTo fRide Li9ve Tgo Rfide Llve ro eide Llive rTo eRide Lilve Tro Reide Love Too Riide T Rde Liove To Rdie
Lkve Tk Rjde Tko Rjide Likve Tok Rijde L8ve T9 R9de L8ive T9o R9ide Li8ve To9 Ri9de Luve T0 Rlde Luive T0o Rlide Liuve To0 Rilde
Livve Tl Rode Lie Tlo Roide Liev Tol Riode Libe Ti Rkde Libve Tio Rkide Livbe Toi Rikde Lice R8de Licve R8ide

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