Neil Young
I Ain't Got The Blues

Well, I'm a little light-headed
But my body feels the same
And it feels like fallin' on down
And find another name
But the sand in my shoes
May trickle to my brain
Well, I ain't got the blues
But something more tame
Oh yeah, something more tame
Oh yeah, something more tame.

Well the sound of the drums
Is pounding in my head
Like ten thousand dancers
With bodies full of lead
And I feel like a bull
With an eye-full of red
Well, I ain't got the blues
But something better bred
Oh yeah, something better bred
Oh yeah, something better bred.

If tomorrow sees another
Kind of farm I know
Well, the people and the soldiers
And the gypsies groan
It would be like a wonder
And I cannot let it go
Well, I ain't got the blues
But something more slow
Oh yeah, something more slow
Oh yeah, something more slow.

But the people in the cities
And the other ones too
Ain't got too many wonders
That they're not tied to
And I can't help but feeling
As I'm wearing straight through
Well, I ain't got the blues
But something more true
Oh yeah, something more true
Oh yeah, something more true.

Mirror lyrics:

Oh yeah, something more true.
Oh yeah, something more true
But something more true
Well, I ain't got the blues
As I'm wearing straight through
And I can't help but feeling
That they're not tied to
Ain't got too many wonders
And the other ones too
But the people in the cities

Oh yeah, something more slow.
Oh yeah, something more slow
But something more slow
Well, I ain't got the blues
And I cannot let it go
It would be like a wonder
And the gypsies groan
Well, the people and the soldiers
Kind of farm I know
If tomorrow sees another

Oh yeah, something better bred.
Oh yeah, something better bred
But something better bred
Well, I ain't got the blues
With an eye-full of red
And I feel like a bull
With bodies full of lead
Like ten thousand dancers
Is pounding in my head
Well the sound of the drums

Oh yeah, something more tame.
Oh yeah, something more tame
But something more tame
Well, I ain't got the blues
May trickle to my brain
But the sand in my shoes
And find another name
And it feels like fallin' on down
But my body feels the same
Well, I'm a little light-headed

Relevant Tags:
II AAin't GGot TThe BBlues in't ot he lues I iAn't oGt hTe lBues j zin't hot fhe vlues jI zAin't hGot fThe vBlues Ij Azin't Ghot Tfhe Bvlues
9 qin't yot 5he glues 9I qAin't yGot 5The gBlues I9 Aqin't Gyot T5he Bglues l sin't bot hhe nlues lI sAin't bGot hThe nBlues Il Asin't Gbot Thhe Bnlues
o win't vot yhe hlues oI wAin't vGot yThe hBlues Io Awin't Gvot Tyhe Bhlues k xin't fot 6he Bllues kI xAin't fGot 6The Bues Ik Axin't Gfot T6he Bules
8 Aiin't tot ghe Bkues 8I An't tGot gThe Bklues I8 Ani't Gtot Tghe Blkues u Ajn't Goot rhe Boues uI Ajin't Gt rThe Bolues Iu Aijn't Gto Trhe Bloues
A9n't Gkt Bpues A9in't Gkot Te Bplues Ai9n't Gokt Teh Blpues Aln't G9t Tje Bluues Alin't G9ot Tjhe Bles Ailn't Go9t Thje Bleus
Aon't G0t Tue Blhes Aoin't G0ot Tuhe Blhues Aion't Go0t Thue Bluhes Akn't Glt Tne Bl7es Akin't Glot Tnhe Bl7ues Aikn't Golt Thne Blu7es
A8n't Git Tbe Blkes A8in't Giot Tbhe Ai8n't Goit Thbe Blukes Aun't Gott Tge Blies Auin't Go Bliues Aiun't Got Thge Bluies
Ainn't Gof Tye Bl8es Ai't Goft Bl8ues Ai'nt Gotf Thye Blu8es Aim't Go5 Thee Bljes

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