Neil Young
Get Behind The Wheel

You know she needs attention
So take her for a ride
(You gotta get behind the wheel) She loves to go around anywhere
(In the morning and drive) Anytime that you decide
(You gotta get behind the wheel) In the morning and drive
You gotta get behind the wheel

You know she loves those long slow curves
So take her for a spin
(You gotta get behind the wheel) She always wants to please you
(In the morning and drive) No matter what shape your in
(You gotta get behind the wheel) In the morning and drive
You gotta get behind the wheel

(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)
(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)
(You gotta get behind the wheel)

You know she takes a little care
She's always looking good
(You gotta get behind the wheel) Pull over and put the top down
(In the morning and drive) Check out what's under the hood
(You gotta get behind the wheel) In the morning and drive
You gotta get behind the wheel

(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)
(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)
(You gotta get behind the wheel)

Mirror lyrics:

(You gotta get behind the wheel)
(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)
(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)

You gotta get behind the wheel
(You gotta get behind the wheel) In the morning and drive
(In the morning and drive) Check out what's under the hood
(You gotta get behind the wheel) Pull over and put the top down
She's always looking good
You know she takes a little care

(You gotta get behind the wheel)
(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)
(You gotta get behind the wheel) (In the morning and drive)

You gotta get behind the wheel
(You gotta get behind the wheel) In the morning and drive
(In the morning and drive) No matter what shape your in
(You gotta get behind the wheel) She always wants to please you
So take her for a spin
You know she loves those long slow curves

You gotta get behind the wheel
(You gotta get behind the wheel) In the morning and drive
(In the morning and drive) Anytime that you decide
(You gotta get behind the wheel) She loves to go around anywhere
So take her for a ride
You know she needs attention

Relevant Tags:
GGet BBehind TThe WWheel et ehind he heel eGt eBhind hTe hWeel het vehind fhe aheel hGet vBehind fThe aWheel Ghet Bvehind Tfhe Waheel
yet gehind 5he 3heel yGet gBehind 5The 3Wheel Gyet Bgehind T5he W3heel bet nehind hhe dheel bGet nBehind hThe dWheel Gbet Bnehind Thhe Wdheel
vet hehind yhe eheel vGet hBehind yThe eWheel Gvet Bhehind Tyhe Weheel fet Beehind 6he sheel fGet Bhind 6The sWheel Gfet Bheind T6he Wsheel
tet Bshind ghe 2heel tGet Bsehind gThe 2Wheel Gtet Beshind Tghe W2heel Geet B3hind rhe qheel Gt B3ehind rThe qWheel Gte Be3hind Trhe Wqheel
Gst Bfhind Whheel Gset Bfehind Te Weel Gest Befhind Teh Wehel G3t Brhind Tje Wjeel G3et Brehind Tjhe Wjheel Ge3t Berhind Thje Whjeel
Gft B4hind Tue Wueel B4ehind Tuhe Wuheel Geft Be4hind Thue Whueel Grt Bdhind Tne Wneel Gret Bdehind Tnhe Wnheel Gert Bedhind Thne Whneel
G4t Bwhind Tbe Wbeel G4et Bwehind Tbhe Wbheel Ge4t Bewhind Thbe Whbeel Gdt Behhind Tge Wgeel Gdet Beind Wgheel Gedt Beihnd Thge Whgeel
Gwt Bejind Tye Wyeel Gwet Bejhind Wyheel Gewt Behjind Thye Whyeel Gett Beuind Thee Wheeel Ge Beuhind Th Whel Get Behuind The Wheel
Gef Benind Ths Whsel Benhind Thse Whseel Getf Behnind Thes Whesel Ge5 Bebind Th3 Wh3el Ge5t Bebhind Th3e Wh3eel Get5 Behbind The3 Whe3el
Geh Begind Thf Whfel Geht Beghind Thfe Whfeel Geth Behgind Thef Whefel Gey Beyind Thr Whrel Geyt Beyhind Thre Whreel

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