Neil Young
Extra, Extra

Selling papers on the corner,
I saw a man yesterday.
I asked him if he'd wanna
Tell me what made him this way.
He said, when it's born, it's warm,
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it falls, it falls all over you.

He used to pick his friends.
They left him in the end.
An easy thing to lose,
The right to pick and choose.
When it's born, it's warm,
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it falls, it falls all over you.

He said he left his wife,
The back-bone of his life.
Another came along,
But now I guess she's gone.
When it's born, it's warm,
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it falls, it falls all over you.

I think I used to see
That old man on TV,
Can you be the same?
It seems like such a shame.
When it's born, it's warm,
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it falls, it falls all over you.

The world he thought he knew,
Has better things to do.
As I went on my way
I thought I heard him say:
When it's born, it's warm,
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it falls, it falls all over you.

Mirror lyrics:

When it falls, it falls all over you.
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it's born, it's warm,
I thought I heard him say:
As I went on my way
Has better things to do.
The world he thought he knew,

When it falls, it falls all over you.
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it's born, it's warm,
It seems like such a shame.
Can you be the same?
That old man on TV,
I think I used to see

When it falls, it falls all over you.
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it's born, it's warm,
But now I guess she's gone.
Another came along,
The back-bone of his life.
He said he left his wife,

When it falls, it falls all over you.
Then it gathers strength in lies,
When it's born, it's warm,
The right to pick and choose.
An easy thing to lose,
They left him in the end.
He used to pick his friends.

When it falls, it falls all over you.
Then it gathers strength in lies,
He said, when it's born, it's warm,
Tell me what made him this way.
I asked him if he'd wanna
I saw a man yesterday.
Selling papers on the corner,

Relevant Tags:
EExtra, EExtra xtra, xtra xEtra, xEtra sxtra, sxtra sExtra, sExtra Esxtra, Esxtra 3xtra, 3xtra 3Extra, 3Extra E3xtra, E3xtra
fxtra, fxtra fExtra, fExtra Efxtra, Efxtra rxtra, rxtra rExtra, rExtra Erxtra, Erxtra 4xtra, 4xtra 4Extra, 4Extra E4xtra, E4xtra
dxtra, dxtra dExtra, dExtra Edxtra, Edxtra wxtra, wxtra wExtra, wExtra Ewxtra, Ewxtra Exxtra, Exxtra Etra, Etra Etxra, Etxra
Edtra, Edtra Exdtra, Exdtra Eztra, Eztra Ezxtra, Ezxtra Exztra, Exztra Ectra, Ectra Ecxtra, Ecxtra Exctra, Exctra Estra, Estra
Exstra, Exstra Exttra, Exttra Exra, Exra Exrta, Exrta Exfra, Exfra Exftra, Exftra Extfra, Extfra Ex5ra, Ex5ra Ex5tra, Ex5tra
Ext5ra, Ext5ra Exhra, Exhra Exhtra, Exhtra Exthra, Exthra

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