New Amsterdams
Old Enough To Know Bitter

I never said forever
I'm sorry if I did
One storm, I couldn't weather
Baby, it's high time I go home
Baby, it's high time I go home

If you can forgive me
You just may have to forget
Let's not lament for the living
Baby, it's high time I go home
Baby, it's high time I go home

Old enough to know bitter
Young enough to stay friends
For all the times to remember
Baby, it's high time I go home
Baby, it's high time I go home

Mirror lyrics:

Baby, it's high time I go home
Baby, it's high time I go home
For all the times to remember
Young enough to stay friends
Old enough to know bitter

Baby, it's high time I go home
Baby, it's high time I go home
Let's not lament for the living
You just may have to forget
If you can forgive me

Baby, it's high time I go home
Baby, it's high time I go home
One storm, I couldn't weather
I'm sorry if I did
I never said forever

Relevant Tags:
OOld EEnough TTo KKnow BBitter ld nough o now itter lOd nEough oT nKow iBtter kld snough fo lnow vitter kOld sEnough fTo lKnow vBitter
Okld Esnough Tfo Klnow Bvitter 9ld 3nough 5o onow gitter 9Old 3Enough 5To oKnow gBitter O9ld E3nough T5o Konow Bgitter 0ld fnough ho mnow nitter
0Old fEnough hTo mKnow nBitter O0ld Efnough Tho Kmnow Bnitter lld rnough yo jnow hitter lOld rEnough yTo jKnow hBitter Olld Ernough Tyo Kjnow Bhitter
ild 4nough 6o inow Biitter iOld 4Enough 6To iKnow Btter Oild E4nough T6o Kinow Btiter dnough go Knnow Bjtter Od dEnough gTo Kow Bjitter
Odl Ednough Tgo Konw Bijtter Okd wnough ro Kmow B9tter wEnough rTo B9itter Olkd Ewnough Tro Knmow Bi9tter Ood Ennough Too Khow Bltter
Oold Eough T Khnow Blitter Olod Eonugh To Knhow Biltter Opd Emough Tk Kjow Botter Opld Emnough Tko Boitter Olpd Enmough Tok Knjow Biotter
Oldd Ehough T9 Kbow Bktter Ol Ehnough T9o Kbnow Bkitter Old Enhough To9 Knbow Biktter Olx Ejough T0 Knoow B8tter Olxd Ejnough T0o Knw B8itter
Oldx Enjough To0 Knwo Bi8tter Ole Ebough Tl Knkw Butter Oled Ebnough Tlo Knkow Buitter Olde Enbough Tol Knokw Biutter Olf Enoough Ti Kn9w Bittter
Olfd Enugh Tio Kn9ow Biter Oldf Enuogh Toi Kno9w Bitter Olr Enkugh Kn0w Bifter Olrd Enkough Kn0ow Biftter Oldr Enokugh Kno0w Bitfter
Olc En9ugh Knlw Bi5ter Olcd En9ough Knlow Bi5tter Oldc Eno9ugh Knolw Bit5ter Ols En0ugh Kniw Bihter Olsd En0ough Kniow Bihtter
Olds Eno0ugh Knoiw Bithter Enlugh Knoww Biyter Enlough Kno Biytter Enolugh Know Bityter Eniugh Knoa Bi6ter
Eniough Knoaw Bi6tter Enoiugh Knowa Bit6ter Enouugh Kno3 Bigter Enogh Kno3w Bigtter

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